Friday, June 5, 2009

Painting the city red

Hey hey heyyy:].

Went out to Chitos and had some shisha in the shisha cafe, was suppose to meet in PIM with two other of my nieces's friends but decided to just hang out in Chitos with another group of friends of hers.
their all very nice people:].
and I swear the lamb shwarma I had in the shisha cafe was sooooo good.
yes rich, better then the chicken shwarma in Al Baraka(is that how you spell it =S?)
probably its cause I was hungry, but thats not really was good.
anyway, Jakarta shisha is much much better then KK's and KL's, much..smoother.
for those who haven't try it in jakarta yet, you should.
IN CHITOS, the place is called the shisha cafe.
I know i said KL's shisha was good, but there was still a little rough edge to it when you smoke it, just a little.
whereas Jakarta's shisha gives you a smooth feeling like as if your smoking nothing at all and still make you go dizzy? shmeh:p.
went to watch terminator in cinema 21 again for the second time.
but I reckon the movie terminator is one of the movies you can watch more then once.
after that off to Kemang we go, to this place called splash.
and alcohol here is cheap which explains why I saw a few of puddles of vomit.
very nice.
but anyway, when I entered splash..
I never felt so out of place:p.
everywhere I turned I see Caucasians.. girls & guys.
like its the first time in my life I saw a lot of Caucasians gather all in one place in an asian country.
& splash was basically crawling with Caucasians.
there are some Indos too, but mostly Caucasians.
we decided to hang out in little Baghdad which was less crowded and they had shisha too which my niece's ordered..again and was also just across the road facing splash.
I had a really nice chat with rich and basically telling him what I saw tonight.
all in all, the night wasn't exactly really fun cause we had to go home early and everyone was busy studying for their upcoming exam on Monday, but it was actually fun in a "wow, saw something new today fun"
am I making sense:\?
went back around 11:11p.m, cause we have to be home by twelve since my niece isin't aloud to be out till after 12.
+ she has her exams this coming monday and her last paper is on friday.
so after that probably we'll be out more late cause her little sister, mom & dad will all be out on a camping trip for 3 days and two nights so we have the house to ourselves=D!
so I'm really looking forward to seeing clubs in Jakarta.
heard from the others that its good
so I'm definitely looking forward to it indeedy>:].

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jakarta so far

sorry if I haven't been updating lately, connection here isn't really as we say..good.
so normally I don't really bother to update until now cause I just feel that I need to.
but anyway i have have been in Jakarta for a week and a day now.
met up with the agent who will be helping me make my visa permit to study here, what else..
oh and I also bought a pencil skirt, FINALLY.
cause it is basically impossible to find a pencil skirt in KK, IMPOSSIBLE!
oh and I also bought this kind of beanie thingo which is also impossible to find in kk.
next thing I would like to buy is a checkered shirt in the same shop I bought my pencil skirt which I am going to this Friday along with my niece Natalie in a mall called Pondok Indah mall(PIM). not sure which one tho cause they have it in different colors.
you can find it in KK, but the material they used are bad and there will always be something wrong with it whether its the color or the position of the pockets and whatsoever.
Oh yeah, school! school school school..
decided I would take the one year course in ESMOD and then see how it goes.
I guess everyone would like to see if I would actually be able to take it or not.
ah whatever, if they think I can handle it then I'll just continue until I complete the course.
You know what I wish I had more of right now?
to go shopping.
ihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, cause basically all I have with me now is 300 000 rp! well 600 000 rp at first then I bought the skirt so now its 300 000 rp.
I hate this.. so much to shop for but so little money:(.
and I fell in love with a blazer I saw on sunday in ZARA at PIM!
I always wanted a blazer.. one which is casual enough to wear at the daytime.
but noooo, they don't sell it in KK! yish.
and now when I found it I have NOT MUCH MONEY!
its probably about 700 000 rp maybe.
cause like the shoes in ZARA cost about 1 million rp +.
:( :( :(
I don't know for sure cause it didn't have any price on it :S.
Damn itttttttttttttttttttttt.
If only they have sales:\..
this is one of the bad things for me living in JAKARTA, so many temptation when it comes to shopping.
I am secretly a shoppaholic, its just that I have no money or I can't find the right store:P.
lucky for me, i may be a shopaholic but thankfully not those impulse buyers shopaholics
I have the whole day free tomorrow, have NOOOOOO idea on what I will be doing..
most likely watch series and movies, cause theres like hundred's of dvds here, no I'm not kidding.. the movies here are so cheap! only 7 000 rp!
movies.. not series. series are slightly exspendsive cause they use more cd's.
so yeah, watch movies, play guitar hero and DDR with the mat, jogging.
yes, I actually love gaming as well.. ON the PS2, NOT, COMPUTERS.. I don't play W.O.W okay :p.. left 4 dead yes and maybe a little itty bit of call of duty but I suck at it.
I actually like Jakarta a lot cause I can find ANYTHING here!
But I miss home, its noisy but in a comforting way.
even tough its nice to have a change of atmosphere.
But I miss my purple queen sized bed.
and my mom.
and I can't stand the fact that rich is there and I am not.
time passes extra slow here compared to KK, Jakarta is about one hour behind.
ahahahaha, Jakarta actually has the copied version of KFC! the fast food restaurant is called CFC! ahahahahaha, I laughed my ass off when i saw it on my second day here.
they pretty much serve the same thing except with different names to the food or something.
Jakarta, you amaze me:p.