Monday, December 8, 2008

Life after SPM

I meant to update my blog sooner but I have just been caught up with so many things!
and I just recovered from a food poisoning which I thought I had a fever.
but it turns out its caused by the food poisoning itself.
all i know is,
that it really wasn't pretty AT ALL:|.

anyhoo, life after SPM has been great!
I had a gathering with a couple of friends on thursday(4.12.08)
which was right after the day that SPM ended.
ahahahaha,I had loads of fun.
i didn't drink much tho..
cause I kind of had this phobia of alcohol from the last time I drank..
which was during the mecure opening in 1 Borneo.

so from then on I have decided to stay away from those things for a while.
here are the photos:
I thought jude was funny:P..
poor jude.
it was rich who took off his pants and then Calvin and Rich stuffed things down his underwear.
I just look at it as a perfect opportunity to take a photo of him:].

Kim is actually drinking:P!amazing!


the rest are on facebook:].

then a few days later I had an outing with one of my two most favorite people:P.

went to warisan to have lunch and we ended up eating in this Chinese restaurant.

was suppose to watch twilight but the ignorant ticket booth lady ended up giving us a ticket to bolt which we didn't realize until the movie bolt ended up playing in the cinema and we thought we went to the wrong cinema room.
In the fortuner


Adryz & Ian

oh how much I love candid photos
then on Saturday(6.12.08)
i went to blue note with Nadira and adryz
DJ fine china was in blue note that day.
I swear he is such a good DJ.

I saw trist and morgan there.

Tristan's blur face & Morgan's psychopathic face

Nadira & Adryz



yet again the rest are on facebook:p.
ended up sleeping over at Adryz's.
so yeah..
I would actually say more more but I feel a little nauseous:|.
so yes I hope the photos just says it all.