Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Freedom is sweet

SPM is officially over for me.

I never felt so free,
I mean like the feeling of not touching my books when I got home today was so weird.
a good kind of weird.
not only the feeling of not touching my books.. but to never ever think about my form 4 & 5 syllabus again.
even though I start my holiday a little later than usual, its actually nice to know that I don't have to worry about buying books for next year.

Right after the last paper of my exam(Commerce) I changed into my regular outing clothes.. cause after wearing MN's uniform for 5 whole years..
the last thing I want to be seen in is the uniform itself.
Got picked up by Adryz right after I reached home

Oh how good it was to see him again,its been months..MONTHS!
I miss that boy la.

Went for lunch in little italy
why are parking spaces so hard to find in that area?
and I had my usual zuppe de marre.

while adryz the hard headed boy he is stuffed himself with a desert that had ice-cream in it when he clearly knew he was suffering from a cough.
tsk tsk tsk.
Ian however just had hot chocolate(which was so good that I ended up ordering one myself:p)
That boy needs to eat more,really he does:|.

skinny anorexic.

Gah, after saying how good it felt to be done with SPM..
they were like..

Kimmy, welcome to our world now.
I had this feeling of emptiness.
Is that normal?
oh highschool..

how much I'll miss it.


holidays has been getting so much better ever since I walked out the doors of the exam room at 12:25 p.m.
Oh how I miss my cousin and listening to the songs that he blast through his Toyota Fortuner speakers & the car itself.
after little Italy we went to 1 Borneo..
and french connection had 50% off sales.
Gah, I need to start saving..AGAIN.
we met up with James cause he was having his break.
walked around while checking out shops since it was Ian's first time in 1 Borneo.
came home around 5 something cause Adryz had to go to his grandparent's house to have dinner.
and Ian,well I don't know about Ian:P.

was suppose to be going out tonight cause apparently Adryz was being over stuffed by his grandparents during dinner?
so he didn't feel like going out.
theres always tomorrow.
I feel a little disappointed tho, I mean to spend my first night of highschool freedom at home.
damn damn damn.
its not suppose to be this way!

ah well, my mom will be going to Labuan tomorrow and she'll staying there till the 8th of December.
which means:P..
why yes..
party at my house.

how much more sweet can you get?

(The last time you'll ever see me in my MN[Maktab Nasional] school uniform)