Sunday, March 8, 2009

Run fat girl run


So I've been running a lot this week!
every day around evening,
where I usually jog the whole stretch from Tanjung Aru Beach Hotel to the airport (terminal 2)
I've been feeling pretty healthy actually because I seldom stuff myself with junk food and just normally stick to healthier food.

but I do kind of find it a little depressing sometimes, well old habits die hard.
But ah well, I started this week eating cereal for breakfast, tea and biscuits for lunch and salad or whatever is on the dinner table which is veggie for dinner.
I'm planning on going vegetarian twice a week.
Not everyday cause that just sounds crazy.
I just feel maybe it will be better for myself.
BESIDES, its about time I get fit again because I got very tired of sitting in the house everyday watching TV with a plate of rice in front of me.

So I realized I needed a change and start running like I use to again.
It's not like I've got anything better to do at home..
and besides I have a running partner might as well take the advantage to exercise.
I get to fit into my clothes better and I'll also will feel better.

But I do still have sleeping problems, no matter how much I run.
I still cant sleep at night even if my body is tired.
nevertheless, my brain still feels like how a heart feels like after eating ecstasy.
Normally the time i usually fall asleep is at 2 or 3 when the time I really want to sleep is around 11 or 12.
I practically woke up this morning around 12 feeling like a bag of poo because my head hurt and whenever the right side of my eye blink or move from left to right my head feels like a hammer is knocking against it.
so I slept till four and my head felt much better with the the pain gone.

I really need to change my sleeping ways.
or else there will be more headaches to come, which I really don't want to go through all over again.

Oh and I had a really twisted dream involving a cat that can talk that has a cancer growth on it's neck when I was sleeping today=p.


Unknown said...

wow you're damn awesome. how do you stop your hunger pangs cos im always hungry and ALWAYS eating and the best part - i DONT exercise!

you look good Kimmy :)