Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hello hello hello:D.

I've noticed I'm always on and off when it comes to updating my blog :s.
& I'm sorry about that, really.
Normally I'll be just too tired to update it after coming back from hanging out with my friends and it would be around 2 in the morning or so.
either that or i'm just too lazy to go down to the office to update.
so I'm sorry, yet again.

My cousin just got married yesterday in the sacred heart church, which i didn't get to attend cause i was just basically too busy sleeping like a rock in my room after another one of those late nights.
But I did manage to go to the after dinner party in Beverly Hills Hotel.
I guess it was alright, all I know is I would be really bored if it wasn't for my cousins.
& it was COLD! cause our table was placed right under the aircond.
I didn't really recognize my cousin who got married that day when I saw her in the dinner party, she looked beautiful.
Hahahaha, and the WHOLE night all i have been getting from my other cousins and aunts are "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!, Kimmy! KAU BUJANG SUDAH!"
well, most probably its cause the last time I saw most of my cousins and aunts in that dinner party was when I was much younger.
still, it gets a little old after hearing that sentence after several consecutive times.

My 2nd cousin Mazlan who lives and works in Labuan as an Engineer

My two other cousins, Helen & Carol.

My dad

My mom

Oh oh! and look who i saw in the wedding as well! Billy and O'all, they use to work for my dad ages ago, it was really nice to see them again:].



My cousin the bride.

After the dinner party, i was suppose to go to First beach to join rich yazid sarah them all.
But I didn't want to show up like this specially the area where there is a lot of stalls.
so I decided to skip that and headed to the loft instead with my cousins in waterfront.
It was okay I guess, ordered myself a cosmo while Mazlan ordered himself a coke cause he had enough red wine to drink at the party before.. and there was group of 3 guys who were really annoying and kept comparing Kkay to denmark, saying the girls there are more open.
well kkay isin't Denmark okay? psh.
well the two wasn't as bad, but theres just one prick who kept on harassing all the girls. which he eventually got told of by nick and ended up sulking in a corner like a little boy. serves him right.

Spot the four eyes:].

yes that guy between helen and aunty Salome is the annoying prick.
he looks like a woman :s.
anyway, most of photos are on facebook, u can look there.
All in all, Helen Carol Mazlan & I left the loft at 2.
I was about to collapse in exhaustion until i reached the house which in the end I ended up sleeping at 5 thirty cause i was busy uploading the photos.
I should really sleep earlier shound't I:p?


-BrEN- said...

sooo. when is it your turn to get married? :P