Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Internet connection, FINALLY!
I swear I had no internet connection in the place I live in Jakarta, well at least for now.
the reason is cause it'll only be installed once we moved into the new house but at the moment we're living in a rented one.
Anyway, I started Uni in Esmod.
I'm still trying to get use to the fact that I'm already a uni student and no longer a highschool one.
I feel like I'm growing up too fast, wish I could slow things down more =\.
I'd say the difficulty level for fashion designing is alright, FOR NOW.
I don't really want to push my luck so yeah.
Its no surprise that the majority of students there are girls.
most of my male lecturers are also flamboyant, both my Marketing and Pattern Drafting lecturer.
They say my marketing lecturer is already married but eh, maybe he's just that way.
Not my life drawing lecturer though, he has this artistic rugged type look.
as for my fashion design lecturer, shes nice and all but theres something about her that makes her feel unapproachable.
Oh! and lastly is my textile lecturer, shes really nice but I can't help feeling so sleepy in her class because she basically talks about textile in a tone that a psychiatrist will use and her classes are always on Friday from 2:30 to 4 p.m.

I've met a lot of nice people there, and so far I only met one guy.
he's cool:).
Oh there was also an outing that I had with my niece and her friends who are only a year younger than I am, it was a nice night:).
& one of the waiter was a sleazebag.

Our poison for that night.

Sarah Mitchell

Emily, Corina & Natalie

oh and I'm also currently in Kkay right now to
get my visa done, which explains why I have internet connection at the moment.
and that I have to say is already completed so now I can buy one way tickets to Jakarta:].
I feel bad for missing classes though, ahmagad, I'll be missing out on a lot too; not to mention assignments coming one after the other.
good thing is at least I manage to get some stuff done here.
Bryan is coming back tonight at nine, but I guess we'll only be meeting up at breakfast tomorrow.. and that leaves me lesser time to see him:s?
ah well, I'll be leaving tomorrow night at 7 to the airport.
I have this feeling where I want to go back to Jakarta but at the same time I don't.
The sucky part is that I don't get a long holiday at the end of the year, but only Christmas break; which is for thirteen days:|.
from the 21st of December to the 3rd of January.
Why can't it be longer:(?!?!?!?!