Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nothing but sand, water, human beings & dogs

Hi, happy Monday to all:D.
well except for the people who hate their jobs or school then I guess things isin't so happy for you guys.
So after my usual early morning run yesterday.. Later that evening
I had plans to go to the beach with Daniel, Ashley and Johnson at around 3. Oh! and with Daniel's usual companion to the beach Matt and my dog as well Chivas or other than that known as Chichi.

The weather wasn't as good as the last time we went but oh well.

it was drizzling on our way there but the clouds seemed to be blowing inland so it wasn't raining when we got there. Oh and just to let you know, we went to Rasa Ria's beach and not the crap beach in 1st beach Tanjung Aru that has lots of garbage in the area.
long drive for just a beach, but its worth it cause the sand there is white and its really socluded cause I guess not much people bother to drive down there.
OH! and its CLEAN!

If you look hard enough you can see the itty bitty part of Rasa Ria Hotel:)



When Daniel was getting my dog cause she wouldn't stay put and I couldn't be bothered to get up from the mat, hehehe.

And the only way to get her running back to me is that I had to wave the bag of buns in the air and if that dosen't work well then we have to do it the manual way:p.
You can actually see a few tourists that are staying in the hotel that usually go for a stroll along the beach.

but their basically in their own world too, so you get the point.
ahahahaha, Ashley is reading the weirdest book ever.

lets just say it had no limits in describing things, hahahaha.
Went swimming with Dan and Matt, whereas the other 2 was too distracted with other things.
my dog is afraid of the sea and she dosen't like getting sea water and wet sand on her fur.

she did enjoy running around with Johnson tho:].
By the end of the day it was pretty tiring and I was actually falling asleep in the passenger seat of Dan's car which I continuously kept warning him to not take a photo of me if I do happen to fall asleep with my mouth wide open like he told Steph to the last time.
made a stop at Warisan cause I desperately needed to buy my facial cleanser.
and I had to stop by 7 eleven to get reload as well for my maid.
By the time I reach home, I swear I just wanted to crash onto my bed cause it was that bad till I didn't even have the mood to eat dinner, but then again it would be nasty cause I hadn't taken my shower yet:p.
after showering, crashing on my bed was pure bliss.
which I ended up texting rich for a while and after 4 messages and 3 replies later I ended up falling asleep at around 10 something:p.
sorry rich, hehehe.
But then again I happen to wake up at 2 in the morning cause rich called me wondering what happened to me:p, and also that my stinking aircond was too warm. for once after quite some time It was actually really good to sleep early:D.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Early mornings

nice of you to drop by:).

I've been waking up before 6 every morning to go running starting from Tuesday morning.
I know I've said that I continued running again before my trip to KL but I had to to stop:\.
+ the weather was really bad whenever it came to evening time.
and so I decided since KK normally starts pouring around evening might as well go for early morning jogs:]!
& lucky me cause it was raining heavily at around 3p.m something or so? so the weather is a little gloomy.
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate waking up in the morning tho, and my laziness just sometimes gets to me and I would be stuck in a dilemma on should I actually continue sleeping in and just push my running schedule to an evening run later? or should I just get up NOW and stop being a lazy bum bum.
as awesome as it would be for me if I picked the first choice but so far I've ended up doing the latter.
I just find that my conscience will start to taunt me when I get lazy.
and basically making going back to sleep practically impossible.
so I'm force to suck it up and go.
But I found my usual run this morning not as bad compared to the days before.
On wednesday I thought I was going to actually pass out.
cause you know those white spots you see before going out cold.
one of the reason why is cause I felt this really sharp pain just below my rib cage.
It's like something was basically drilling into my lungs and no it was not a stich, therefore I couldn't breathe properly.
but after trying breathing exercises and A LOT of positive thoughts I actually manage to finish the long strech in tanjung aru beach:).

I feel so bummed out now, really bummed.
I just got a call from my cousin Pam from Jakarta saying my mom thought ESMOD is okay and that she have decided to send me off to study there.
the thing is after when she comes back tomorrow, I have to plan my trip to jakarta, WITHIN THIS MONTH!
and rich is coming back next Friday:(!
its cause I have to take a test, drawing and my knowledge about fashion to see what do they need to help me on when I study there.
But I want to stay till rich comes back then I'll go off, but the sooner I leave, the sooner I get to come home:\.
but we'll see, I would have to discuss it with my mom tomorrow night when she gets back.
i would be taking the international course, the one for 3 years.
well at least thats what they told me :s.
I don't even know where to start studying.
probably i'll start with the history of fashion.
A little help here, any ideas? :\

Saturday, May 9, 2009

KK so far


kkay has been pretty lifeless to me since I got back from KL on the 21st of April.
don't get me wrong, I love kkay..
but sometimes I just wish there are more things to do here and also, more friends.
all I've been doing these past days is waking up at 11 in the morning or 12 in the afternoon, watching movies and reading.
so far I've read about two books & currently reading my 3rd one now.
how exciting right?
I'm also working on getting some movies from my sister's house but whenever I do her golden boy is there. which I am force to face a really awkward vibe whenever I'm around him:S.
maybe its just me, but to be frank I just don't really feel as comfortable around him then I am with other family members.
I did found some things to do whenever I have nothing to do at home tho:), like yesterday.
which I kind of rearranged some stuff in room and cleaned up whatever was under my bed and organized my clothing in my cupboard by colour coordination:p.
Yes I like my some stuff organized thank you very much.
I also put away most of my stuff from high school like medals, uniforms, books and whatever that had to do with school. I really didn't think it has much use for me anymore considering I'm not in high school anymore.I don't really know what to do with my school books tho, so i guess I'm just going to recycle them.
Mom's just left for Jakarta yesterday, and I really do hope she has a good time there:).
the house just seems to be more quiet without her:\.
besides her purpose of having her vacation there shes also suppose to help me check out my a school called ESMOD for me.
Funny thing is I was suppose to leave for Jakarta in March, but look at me I'm still in kkay and its May now, Arghhh. If my mom likes the school then that is where I come in, as soon as she gets back I have to go to Jakarta to register and get my visa done and all that.. well hopefully it's going to happen THIS time.
One of my cousin has also arrived from KL yesterday, shes out now. so the only people in the house is Jjay & I.
I wish i can just call someone up without thinking are they here or not.
the only person here for now is Raymond and i feel bad disturbing him:\.
he probably is still asleep now anyway, well most likely.
I miss Arab food ALOT! i don't know why, but i think its the fact that most of their dishes just involves alot of meat:p.
I miss the shisha there too! its small doses.
I guess all I can do is just suck it up and deal with my problem for now until everyone comes back in June.

But I just can't help thinking if only I have someone to share my boredom with then it won't be as boring anymore, rich, I miss you:\.