Saturday, May 9, 2009

KK so far


kkay has been pretty lifeless to me since I got back from KL on the 21st of April.
don't get me wrong, I love kkay..
but sometimes I just wish there are more things to do here and also, more friends.
all I've been doing these past days is waking up at 11 in the morning or 12 in the afternoon, watching movies and reading.
so far I've read about two books & currently reading my 3rd one now.
how exciting right?
I'm also working on getting some movies from my sister's house but whenever I do her golden boy is there. which I am force to face a really awkward vibe whenever I'm around him:S.
maybe its just me, but to be frank I just don't really feel as comfortable around him then I am with other family members.
I did found some things to do whenever I have nothing to do at home tho:), like yesterday.
which I kind of rearranged some stuff in room and cleaned up whatever was under my bed and organized my clothing in my cupboard by colour coordination:p.
Yes I like my some stuff organized thank you very much.
I also put away most of my stuff from high school like medals, uniforms, books and whatever that had to do with school. I really didn't think it has much use for me anymore considering I'm not in high school anymore.I don't really know what to do with my school books tho, so i guess I'm just going to recycle them.
Mom's just left for Jakarta yesterday, and I really do hope she has a good time there:).
the house just seems to be more quiet without her:\.
besides her purpose of having her vacation there shes also suppose to help me check out my a school called ESMOD for me.
Funny thing is I was suppose to leave for Jakarta in March, but look at me I'm still in kkay and its May now, Arghhh. If my mom likes the school then that is where I come in, as soon as she gets back I have to go to Jakarta to register and get my visa done and all that.. well hopefully it's going to happen THIS time.
One of my cousin has also arrived from KL yesterday, shes out now. so the only people in the house is Jjay & I.
I wish i can just call someone up without thinking are they here or not.
the only person here for now is Raymond and i feel bad disturbing him:\.
he probably is still asleep now anyway, well most likely.
I miss Arab food ALOT! i don't know why, but i think its the fact that most of their dishes just involves alot of meat:p.
I miss the shisha there too! its small doses.
I guess all I can do is just suck it up and deal with my problem for now until everyone comes back in June.

But I just can't help thinking if only I have someone to share my boredom with then it won't be as boring anymore, rich, I miss you:\.


Unknown said...

ESMOD is pretty good. lots of the graduates are hired by international fashion houses. in fact, im planning to do short course there next month :)