Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This & that

Lets see.
for the past 2 weeks I've been really busy.
I'm working on making a dress shirt at my pattern drafting class.
and it actually looks really good with the whelk shell print I did!
Hahaha, a friend of mine dress shirt's print made it look like those Japanese mafia shirt.
I wanted to do floral prints at first but I thought "heh, maybe not" it'd make my shirt look like a grandma's shirt.
which I ended up being right:p, therefore I am grateful on listening to my instinct.
My Fashion Design assignment has been slowly draining the life out of me, literally.
assignments from FD always gets me pulling and all nighter.
even though the day to pass it up is still quite far but i find that i'm more relaxed if i finish it faster.
so in the end I end up coming to school in the morning feeling like a zombie most of the time.
Man, the stress is quite bad that one of my classmate dropped out.
well maybe cause she was quite left behind as well but still, I was surprised to find out she quit.
How do people just quit:s?
sure I'll grumble and whine, but quit?
HELL NO, quitting is not an option for me.
+ my mom would totally kick my ass.
wait, plus another 3 more ass kicking from my sisters.
but so far I'm doing alright.
I'm not the best in my classes, but I try to be.
Which is quite hard considering the top of the class right now is such a perfectionist :s.
but i did improve when it came to neatness of my work. It may sound easy to keep your work clean, not for me though. It's hard doing that with hands that sweat, and I mean REALLY sweat. therefore every time i work on my assignments I'd have to wear plastic gloves. specially for drawing, colouring, and gluing. Which is a big pain in the ass cause I like the feeling of paper when I draw and colour. Gluing however I don't mind, it makes my hands go all slippery.
You really don't want to know how it feels like for your hands to sweat like crazy, it's damn annoying. OH! another thing to state, I really wanna go back to KK for Chinese New Year.
I got my fingers crossed for this, even though I guess most of the people in KK would be gone by then:/.
But theres still other things I miss like my mom, my sister, my room and THE FOOD! If it wasn't for these pack lunch I keep bringing to school, I reckon I'd have diabetes.
Damn you Indonesian food, it's nice & all.. but in small doses.

AHH, I WANT SOME KON LAU MIEN MAN! and zhu nyuk pau:/.