Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hey! so happy new year everyone:D!
my new year went great actually.
Spent it in a place that is to die for.
the place had a great view of the sea.

In the end, the fun doesn't last cause I had to go back to Jakarta.
I was sad:/, I had to leave all my friends behind including Richard:(.
I miss that bugger and my friends very much.
It broke me to leave kkay.
it sucks when classes for me starts early, which only makes my summer start only in July.
I don't get to see everyone who studies in Australia:(!
Now that I'm back in Jakarta, its back to lonely nights, oily food, hotter weather, polluted air, assignments, & Traffic jams.
On the other had I did looked forward to going back to uni, but didn't really looked forward to getting back to the assignments.
I didn't make any new year resolutions, cause first of all their crap, second of all I can't be bothered, and third of all even if I was.. I know I won't stick to them :p.
I do have a holiday coming up around February, but I'm not sure if I can go back cause I don't know if I could afford to, and second of all what if I have loads of assignments? and third of all, I don't know if I could bare going back to kkay for such a short time knowing that I have to leave again, it hurts alot:/.
+ i just check and tickets are like RM612:S.

Speaking of which, I'm literally swimming in a pool of assignments.
Anyway, gtg.
my ride has arrived.