Monday, April 19, 2010

Job training, Birds?

I reckon job training went well:)
even though i felt completely useless during the first week
but all in all I enjoyed working there.

I actually miss working now that I'm back at ESMOD, everything is always in a rush.
When I was working at Jeffry's, everything was so chilled out.
Oh! and there was always a nice restaurant to go to!
I had to help Jeffry make some stuff actually, mostly stuff that involves synthetic leather.
The design he came up with for this event is called the BWA(British Woman Association) was really cool.
The concept of it was what a dominatrix would wear.

Most of the designs involved synthetic leather cut into fringes and thats where I come in:).
I had to make the front part of a :
  • Dress
  • Blouse
  • Pants
This took me 2 weeks, and at the end of it my fingers were totally chapped.
During those 2 weeks there was no way I could get by a day without pricking myself with a needle and bleeding after that.
Luckily, the last week I had there, I got to do computer duty.
Which mostly involved updating the designer's social website and making technical sheets, OH! and photo shopping too.

Well, it wasn't all work and no play, Lucky for me I had 2 of my classmates with me to work with at Jeffy's :p.

This is what we do to the designer's mannequin when he's out:p.

Nakita with a Jilbab

Cum face, ahahahaha.

I had no idea what was Nakita and Archy doing.

Us sewing buttons on shirts


On our last day, the three of us stayed until 9 instead of 5 because we wanted to and we also decided to help out on the wipe out sale.
I got a jacket for myself for a reasonable price.
70% discount!
Before we left we gave Jeffry a Little present, It's not much.. but we gave some thought to it.
We gave him a packet of mechanical pencils and an eraser cause he's always borrowing mine, a small container of pretty colourful needles and a black mole skin note book as a thank you gift for him having us as his interns.
If your into architectural designs, then you'd love him.
Oh! by the way, his website is actually
Go check it out, Most of his stuff is really nice.

As for my weekend, I spent it on bird watching and visiting historical islands.
We visited an island where they used to keep the diseased and prisoners.
there was a graveyard on the island itself, and on of the people buried there died only at 10 years old because of the disease, it's sad really:/.
I had a nice time even though my nieces and I got chased by a swarm of insects:).
Because at the end of the trip I manged to get a bit of a tan while sleeping on the boat..
oh...and sunburn too, ouch!