Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So things have been pretty chill lately now that I have completed my course.
I got to do things i wanted to do for quite sometime now.
that stays up till 6 in the morning and wake up at 4 in the evening:p! OH! and I also get to skype with Richard more now:).

The DJ booth and also where the models come out and in from the stairs that is on the left and right behind the screens.

Taken before the show started, it was packed by the time the show began.

Taken during the show

Recently I attended an event that was organized by my uni. The venue was was actually really good.
there was a fashion show that was showing each 3rd year student's collection.
The theme for this year was Archipelago.

[3rd year's work from different students]

I must say the sewing looked really neat. And some of the designs were really pretty too:)! And the Models?
there were really good looking international male & female models.
OH! I saw a jacket as well which was neon green and had teeth around the hood:D!
It's from one of the students collection called "Attack of the Mutated Nu Rave Reptile".
I feel that going to the fashion show did me some good because it made me see how it's going to be like for my 3rd year.
It inspired me.
I thought it's amazing how these student came into ESMOD and graduate with producing their own collection as well.

I'm pretty excited for when my turn comes:), well yet a little scared:s.

After the show, Nakita, Martha & I went to Grand Indonesia Mall to grab some dinner in this restaurant/Bar called Social House.
The food? Epic.
Specially the steak which Nakita Ordered where as I ordered the "Fettuccine & Lamb Ragout" which was also damn good, *drools*.

As for desert I wanted an apple crumble but they were out of it so settled for apple pie.
Which not only looked good but tasted good too:)

Nakita & Martha's desert

UGH, I'm also pretty worried about my VISA
cause maybe it might keep me here in Jakarta for about 3 more weeks.
By the time I Get back to KK everyone will be gone or maybe have only a few days left.
ahhhhh, this Visa crap is screwing up my holiday plans.
I'm gonna miss a whole lot of stuff.

GAHHHHHHHHH! Mannnnnn, why can't getting my VISA done only takes 2 days:(?!
And Richard is going to come back this Saturday which is making me more agitated.
I'm going to try my best to get this matter sorted.
Cause if there is no KK and my friends in it then I'm never going to get the holiday I've been craving for months now:/.
I CRAVE BLISS IN KK WITH FRIENDS SOON, is that too much to ask for>:/?