Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last week in Jakarta

so this week is pretty much my last in Jakarta until class starts again at September
hence, the title.
But anyway, I have been pretty much laying low at home.
Things are pretty much boring at the moment.
Been watching DVD's since day one of my summer holiday.
although i did manage to get loads of exercise! well it is the only time i get the chance to get out of this house since the car is being used every single day which leaves me having no transportation to anywhere at all
unless i could take a cab to the mall some where near the city but for one trip to the mall it cost about RM42 and another RM42 to get home.
Sorry, but I'm too chinese for that, seriously.
I'd rather spend the money on buying groceries then cooking myself something special as a treat.

Ugh, every one of my friends lives so far away.
well technically I'm the one whose in the other side of Jakarta, heh.
I have quite a number of stuff to do before i get back to KK.
mostly it's Pam's errands, I wonder why can't she at least divide the work between Natalie & I?
and then Nina decided to forget her her bag of accessories, I'm definitely telling Natalie to carry that in her bag cause i got enough stuff to bring for Pam as it is!
such as crisps (who bring crisps:s?!) which is a few big packs of it, fake eye lashes, bottles of pam's soap (can't she buy it there?!), a belt?! which is about 1.5 cm wide (she couldn't even fit that in there?)
& she had 60kg divided among her and Nina.
what's up with that?
not only that but i also have to buy 4 bottles of this spinach shampoo that my mom is oh so obsessed about.
I have my own stuff to bring back too..
Like my sewing machine, sewing tools, clothes that would last me for 2 months, most definitely shoes.
speaking of clothes i don't even know what to pack for.
I keep asking myself, would i be going out or not?
will there be any important events?
since I'm working for my mum what do i wear?
i wonder if i can actually just go to work wearing my boxers and shirt:p.
well the office is in the house.
I just hope she doesn't give me work that makes me sit in a spot for 7 hours.
that the main thing of why i got into fashion
not only it rekindles the creativity in you, but it also keeps you going up and about.
although there are times where i would sit in a spot from 11 in the morning till 5 in the morning but it's just so interesting till you lose track of time.

Speaking of work, due to my lack of motion that causes me to be bored all the time these couple of weeks, i have decided to work on a simple gray blouse/outerwear.
just experimenting to see how it goes.
i hope it does end up well though and my pattern won't end up looking absolutely retarded.
The fabric would be cotton jersey I'm expecting it to have the whole grungy outlook in the end.

Spent the whole day (& night) skyping with Richard since he won't be able to come on skype tonight cause he's working the night shift for tonight.
He didn't actually really wake up till 3 in the afternoon which by that time I was about to take a nap. Then by the time i got back from my usual jogs he had to go off to work, great.
I guess there's always tomorrow?
3 more days till i soak up the sun & breathe in the KK breeze:).

P.S Blogspot sucks for not being able to post GIFS that actually moves.