Friday, October 24, 2008


sorry i haven't been updating.
its cause built in cabinets just got done being installed to my office at home.
soo i didn't really get to go online that much.

but anyway,school has been a drag.
2 more weeks till SPM.
close huh?
still not feeling the SPM fever yet,joy.
is that good?or bad=\?
Graduation day is coming as well.

but you know,
i don't get why do they hold the graduation day before our government exam.
i mean,what if we don't pass?
and we have to repeat..
wouldn't it be a big disgrace?
and we're suppose to have the "we're free" feeling.
LUCKY FOR US..we still have SPM to go through.
Sad don't you think?

but ah,our batch is the first batch to have our graduation day in Sutra Harbour ballroom.
other than our year..they had it in:
yayasan sabah
This entertainment hall in Bukit Padang.
so in a way,we're considered lucky as well.
Tickets are about RM 70.
It's so soon tho.
but I'm excited,cause to tell you the truth,
i never really got to graduate actually.
accept from kinder garden..
but not from primary school,cause i jumped a year from year 5 to year 7.
so yes.
finally a proper graduation:DDD.

I haven't found anything to wear tho.
i feel like making a dress,but the question is:
do i have enough time?
theres the materials,the right tailor,the design.
well,part of the reason why i haven't done anything yet is cause
i don't know what the school allow and don't allow us to wear.
the guys have it easier,damn.

but I'm quite confident I'll find something to wear..
one way or another.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Eye Candy

& i thought Chace Crawford was hot.

A few weeks ago my good friend was talking about this actor called Gaspard Ulliel.
he's a hot Frenchman who was suppose to act in the upcoming movie called"Twilight"
Unfortunatly they decided to go with an actor called Robert Pattinson.
DAMN IT!they made the wrong choice.
don't get me wrong..robert is good looking.
but not even close to as handsome as Gaspard,really.
how can someone be so perfect looking?
*drools drools drools*
one dayyyyyyyyyyyy.

Robert Pattinson is the the actor who acts as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire whilst Gaspard Ulliel is the actor who acts as Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal Rising.

shall we compare who makes a better Edward Cullen?
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen

Gaspard Ulliel as Edward Cullen

WHY WHY WHY WHY must gaspard Ulliel be so hot. I'm practically drooling on my keyboard by just looking at him.
Imagine me looking AT HIM IN PERSON.
pffft yeah like that will happen,ahahaha.

here are some other photos of Gaspard ulliel:
P.S:even his name is sexy,sweet jebus.
Gaspard Ulliel & actress Clemence Poesy

screw Chace Crawford and Robert Pattinson.
this guy is on fire.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthdays makes us older=).

Happy 17th Birthday to Morgan & Tina.
Both of them have been there for me for as long as i can remember=).
Thank you.

Well well well..
its these two boy and girl's birthday today.
funny thing is..
Morgan is the nephew and Tina is the aunt.
yet they are still turning the same age?
Both born in the same year,on the same day,AND BOTH RELATED:P.
what a coincidence.

well for Morgan, I'm guessing when he wakes up..he will either start playing this online game that he recently just got hooked on called "perfect world" orrrrrr he might go for breakfast with his family?
morgan that stooge..
i see him everyday in school talking about that game.
nevertheless,he is a wonderful guy=).
he won't be reading this tho.
cause he's seldom online in messenger and rarely logged on to facebook.
so yes,i'm confident he won't read this:P.
Well too bad Tina is in Canada now,i miss her=\.
i miss celebrating her birthday with her..
cause usually we would end up doing something wacky,idiotic, or just plain jackass.
no seriously:|.

ah damn,I'm tempted to post the video we made during this year's chinese new year in Tina's open house.
Kill,Tina & I.
but i promised her i wouldn't.
just last year we celebrated Tina's sweet sixteen.
it just seem like it was just yesterday

miss you girrrrl.
more then you can imagine.
saaaaaaaaayang you=).
powah rangers and barbarian mates all the wayyyy

P.S: Guess whose Birthday it is tomorrow?most maktab nasional senior student knows him(;.

Friday, October 17, 2008

happy hoilday not for us

congrats to the form 1,2,3 and 4's =D
you guys can finally start your fabulous holiday.
while WE form 5's get stuck in school for another MONTH or so.
wow i really love my life,jeeeez.

the statement saying"i won't be coming back to school next year" kept replaying in my mind.
it saddens me to hear it but yet it gives me something to anticipate .
I have a feeling that this year's end of the year holiday is going to kick asssssssss!
many reasons:P.

Graduation is on the 7th of November,which is pretty close actually.
its just 21 days away starting from tomorrow.
can't wait:P!
but then theres SPM..GREAT.
ah well,its better than waiting another few more years till I graduate.
I'm very thankful actually,cause i'm in form 5 where i'm suppose to be in form 4.
i graduate a YEAR earlier=D!
Thank god,cause i don't think i'll be able to bear some of the teachers in that school.
and the exams..
I hate those.

but anyway..
for those of you guys who didn't know about the borneo internatinal marathon.
it was amazing.
you get to see local people and foreigners running in the marathon.
ahahaha,you get to see pretty crazy stuff there..

like this:P,hahahaha.

shes cool=),her name is Sue
know why?
Cause shes running for a cause.
This woman right here managed to collect a total of RM5k
for the needs of cancer patients and the sun bears.
so that the bears can have a proper home,and the cancer patient's needs can be fulfilled.
she ran for the half marathon which she did a great job=).

these guys are amazing
they are the winners for the full marathon.
the one in white got 1st,the one in red got 2nd, and the one in blue got 3rd
in total,they had to run for 42 km.
holy crap..
thats long:|.

All and all, everything went well actually,adidas was there, so was the owner of AirAsia Airlines.

now for the phots of Mecure hotel:

The lobby

Presenting bubble bar.

people who I was having drinks with.

The rooms
why yes, you can actually see into the toilet through the glass that is built in the wall
don't worry, has blinds.

The toilet.

so basically for what I've heard it costs around 180+ per night.
fair enough?

hahaha,a night there was great:P.
what an unsober night it was.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


why yes, I'm alive.
been having exams actually,MOCK II.
so far its been not too bad so yeah:P,i have another week to go till it's over.
well,not completely..
but you get it.

I wanted to update last Sunday,but i was suffering a morning sickness called a hangover:P.
damn those glasses of champagne.
I turn red,unfortunately.
Like my mom:P.
well,it was the opening of hotel mecure in 1 borneo
and a little friend of mine was tipsy as well!
so was jjay-.-..that jackass almost crash the car..but we didn't.
but we did end up with a flat tire tho:P.
we were suppose to go to Rumba.
ah well,i didn't even remember getting picked up by cass and getting into her car.
but i did remember the toilet bowl tho.

woke up with a massive sore throat that cause me too much pain to even speak.
ahahaha,what a night.
BUT,I will no longer drink till after SPM.

Sooo,speaking of tomorrow...

I'm writing about it for this website regarding about this spectacular event. seriously,since when did kkay ever have their very own marathon besides sutra's marathon run?
i'll be there around 5:00 a.m.

My sister thought she would be running for the 10Km event
looks like she just found out today she'll be running for the half marathon which is 21 km:P.
poor poor woman,good luck.

this is the map for the FULL marathon..
cause you know theres the 10km run.the half marathon(21km) and the full marathon.

i really respect the people who is running the full marathon.
cause frankly,they start at Likas stadium running to Tanjung aru area then running to 1 borneo then running back to likas stadium:|.

p.s:will report back with information:].

Friday, October 3, 2008

We're Jjay's Ginny Pigs.

Had dinner with Jjay, Cass, Victor, Hafiz & Tessa at the balcony of our house. Jjayy was a the chef of tonight.. Menu was fish fillet marinated in fresh squeezed orange juice, salt and rosemerry side by potatoes and gravy and also cherry tomatoes with pesto topping. there is a few things to improve.. but overall everything is okay. damn it, i didn't get to go to the gym today cause Jjay didn't tell me he was going.. asshole. ah well,hopefully I'll get to go tomorrow.
cause i hate quiting when i'm in the middle of doing something,it gets frustrating.

ahhh, Its holidays like this that makes me miss Tina:\.
usually around this hour I'll still be chilling in her house watching movies,Korean soaps,eating instant noodles.

I didn't really get to say a proper good bye to her:(.
its my fault really.

i miss her:\.
oh so terribly much.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


have I study yet?


right,holidays have been alright lately since mom left for the UK.
I practically have the whole house to myself besides Jjay, Sonia and the maids.
but why why why why do i have to have Sonia here with me cause that girl has the size of a mouth of a black hole.
seriously,no shit.

that girl rats out on me all the time,specially when i'm about to go out at night.. she goes on telling carol.
ah well,i still have my freedom :D.
cause fortunately carol stays at the house next to me..
and she can't watch over me for 24/7:p.
you know what i mean(;

but i do miss my mom tho:\..I could tell mom was home sick when she called during Carol, Jjay, Sonia & I were having dinner in Bella Italia. Shes there cause one of my older sister is going to go through labor on October 10th.

damn,i would love to have a glass of atmosphere's Pina Colada.

anyway, I was suppose to post this up at 12 something but I went out to upperstar along with Bryan, Gordon & Raymond.
got back around 1 something?

and i wonder when we're all hanging out in my room..
we talk about the most weirdest topic..
for example..
darth vader and batman?
ray's ass(well actually bryan was:p).
Gordon's feet on my pillow..which i eventually will put my head on..Thanks Gordon.
& others:p?


(Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the conversations we all have :p)
very nice.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

well hello hello,Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to everyone.

Instead of going to open houses,everybody is currently sleeping from the partying they had last night due to the holiday their having for this occasion.don't you agree:]?cause there wasn't even a single road check last night..I think the cops are all out last night as well.

gah!all the Islams i know aren't having any open houses,how sad is that.psh,thanks alot guys. but ah..its alright at least it'll save me from over stuffing myself with all the food:P..cause seriously when I eat,I eat like theres no tomorrow..I'm such a fatty,ahahaha. Mock II is right after raya holidays,I'M SO LUCKY! so basically,I'm suppose to be studying?but it seems like I'm not really doing a good job with that now.Actually,I don't even know whats my first paper:S.
yes,I am THAT lazy. but I will study,hopefully i won't procrastinate. but I have a feeling I will:P...
ah typical.

but the thing is about me,i won't be able to study if I study beforehand cause I won't be able to remember yes i think I bond better with last minute studying in a way.
those lucky from 1,2,3 and 4's..they get off school earlier then we from 5's do.
they only have about 1 week of school left?maybe two for the form 4's.
JUST ONE MORE MONTH++ left,then i don't have to touch another book again.that is..if i don't want to:P.
BUT no more highschool books.

UGH,i hate those things.