Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

well hello hello,Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to everyone.

Instead of going to open houses,everybody is currently sleeping from the partying they had last night due to the holiday their having for this occasion.don't you agree:]?cause there wasn't even a single road check last night..I think the cops are all out last night as well.

gah!all the Islams i know aren't having any open houses,how sad is that.psh,thanks alot guys. but ah..its alright at least it'll save me from over stuffing myself with all the food:P..cause seriously when I eat,I eat like theres no tomorrow..I'm such a fatty,ahahaha. Mock II is right after raya holidays,I'M SO LUCKY! so basically,I'm suppose to be studying?but it seems like I'm not really doing a good job with that now.Actually,I don't even know whats my first paper:S.
yes,I am THAT lazy. but I will study,hopefully i won't procrastinate. but I have a feeling I will:P...
ah typical.

but the thing is about me,i won't be able to study if I study beforehand cause I won't be able to remember yes i think I bond better with last minute studying in a way.
those lucky from 1,2,3 and 4's..they get off school earlier then we from 5's do.
they only have about 1 week of school left?maybe two for the form 4's.
JUST ONE MORE MONTH++ left,then i don't have to touch another book again.that is..if i don't want to:P.
BUT no more highschool books.

UGH,i hate those things.