Friday, October 24, 2008


sorry i haven't been updating.
its cause built in cabinets just got done being installed to my office at home.
soo i didn't really get to go online that much.

but anyway,school has been a drag.
2 more weeks till SPM.
close huh?
still not feeling the SPM fever yet,joy.
is that good?or bad=\?
Graduation day is coming as well.

but you know,
i don't get why do they hold the graduation day before our government exam.
i mean,what if we don't pass?
and we have to repeat..
wouldn't it be a big disgrace?
and we're suppose to have the "we're free" feeling.
LUCKY FOR US..we still have SPM to go through.
Sad don't you think?

but ah,our batch is the first batch to have our graduation day in Sutra Harbour ballroom.
other than our year..they had it in:
yayasan sabah
This entertainment hall in Bukit Padang.
so in a way,we're considered lucky as well.
Tickets are about RM 70.
It's so soon tho.
but I'm excited,cause to tell you the truth,
i never really got to graduate actually.
accept from kinder garden..
but not from primary school,cause i jumped a year from year 5 to year 7.
so yes.
finally a proper graduation:DDD.

I haven't found anything to wear tho.
i feel like making a dress,but the question is:
do i have enough time?
theres the materials,the right tailor,the design.
well,part of the reason why i haven't done anything yet is cause
i don't know what the school allow and don't allow us to wear.
the guys have it easier,damn.

but I'm quite confident I'll find something to wear..
one way or another.