Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ahhh Christmas, a time to share with your loved ones.
unfortunately mine are not here:p.
it's my first time celebrating Christmas without my mom and sisters.
ah well.
I did went for lunch with Jjay in Lintas though.
As usual I can't get enough of the pork crackling soup.
but I can't find that in Jakarta so spare me.
OH! I also went to trim my hair in Albert salon in central plaza where this man called Alex usually cuts my hair.
honestly, it's hard to find a reasonably good hair stylist.
I go to this man cause I believe he won't screw up my hair like one of his last student did that made my hair look like a damn ching chong hair:).
I also had dinner with Jjay and my dad in the house.
It was alright, Jjay cooked.
Ray and Ian also stopped by for a while before the dinner to see if i wanted to go out for dinner cause ray haven't eaten yet as well.
they left after an hour..
but I'll be seeing them again later once their done with whatever their doing at the moment.
right now I'm just enjoying the silence that is present in the office room,
while my dad is playing poker on facebook in the living room and I can hear the card dealing going on.
I didn't even know my dad had facebook:s?
and I also had no idea that he even knew how to use a laptop, I mean like since when?!
ah well, just thought I'd publish up a post today cause it's Christmas.
Anyway, happy Christmas everyone:).
I know most of you are feasting on something nice tonight.
cheers (;.