Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Exams are my bestfriends

their not.

Man I hate exams..
I just finished my English Literature paper today which was not that difficult but not that easy as well.
So for tomorrow I have my Art paper 2(Drawing) & English for science and technology paper 1 & 2.
Then after tomorrow I have Economics on Tuesday and Commerce on Wednesday.

how do I say this delicately..

but after thatttttttt..
I swear staying home will be the last thing on my mind that day.
I feel like I'm going to burst right now.
because I have no patience:P.
congrats to them tho,they finally get their holiday.
really I'm happy for them.
but you know that feeling of something that you want so bad and see others get it first while its left dangling right in your face.
i feel like that now.

my whole right arm is aching now..
I had to write quite alot in literature:\.
ah well, if I could wait for 5 years for this..
why not wait another 3 days?
well 6 days including the days i don't have paper.
okay so thats not helping.
BUT 6 days, better than 6 months..

i want my freedom now:(((.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


  1. Art
  2. Economics
  3. Perdagangan
  4. English for science & technology
  5. English literature
Some said this year's batch was luckier than last year's.
cause the tests they set for this year was not that hard.
& no I don't feel any panic at all..
ahahaha,you should've seen me last year..
I was practically panicking out of my mind just for my final exam in form 4.
My friend called Bryan said: wait till you face SPM I think you'll end up committing suicide:P.
Look BRYAN!i'm still here:P..
I miss that guy:\.

AH!and tickets are so exspendsive just to go to KL and to come back to KK.
even if its Air Asia!
I really wanted to go..
eh,dosen't matter..all that matter is that I go there during the big sale..
which is when again?

So since we're not going to KL then we'll be going to Jakarta around January perhaps?
we'll see we'll see.
I didn't even get to go to mangga dua on my last trip there cause i had no time due to the fact that I purposely wanted to go for only 2 weeks when I could have stayed a month there.
cause i miss my friends and wanted to spend time with them cause the'll be leaving to futher their studies the year after that.

my tai leng ong cousin Adryz is coming back this coming saturday!
I miss that guy too:P.
eyay,soon soon.
then,next tuesday the 2nd of December Ian Rai is coming back!
which is nice cause the day after he arrives..
& and we can all go out everyday of the week until we get sick of seeing one another..
which I highly doubt.

this holiday is so going to kick ass.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Balcony Party/ My 16th Birthday

I manage to get hold of the photos from Kim.
This is what happened straight after our graduation day.
People came over to my house to chill and do a little of drinking..
iIhad about three shots?
because I decided to behave that night:P.
unlike some people..


The very Tipsy Tristan.
Tristan: I'm okay.. I'm okay..
Kimmy: Yeah..Thats what we all say when we're either Drunk or Tipsy.


Jiing and his tit



Ephraim & his A of spades


Not so sober Rich

I told you so.

Kim, Kimmy, Calvin, Jiing, Joanne

Even my dog is looking at the camera.

Ric Hardford




Kim,Tristan & Kimmy

Rich's infamous between the legs pose

Yes i punched his eye.

Rich & Vishall.



Vish & Tris

We & Us


Love you too kim

ahahahahaha, kev's & Rich's constipated faces

tsk tsk tsk, people these days

Vishall's Squidward/Elmo nose

bahahaha,Tris's Eyebrow>=).


Tristan threw up in my neighbor's rubbish bin..
Which I think its still there.
Decaying Mee Goreng! Mmmm,DISGUSTING!
*someone* threw up from my balcony to the car porch.

ahahaha,i forgive you:P.

went to salim with Jordan, Tris, Kim, Calvin & Ephraim
after when we got back thats when tris threw up in my neighbor's Rubbish Bin.
tsk tsk tsk, tristan tristan. a few people slept over my house as well..
  • Tris
  • Joanne
  • Kim
  • Richard
HAHAHA!and Tristan was snoring loudly.
poor guy,he must have been knocked out straight after his head hit the pillow.
jo?she was knocked out but not snoring.

I had fun that night,
I would have preferred house party to clubbing ANY day.
besides, clubs in kkay suck anyway..
well, most of them do cause they use bands.
i mean wtf? what happen to DJ's?

Looking forward to more parties at the end of the year, can't wait.
Maybe thinking of hosting another one again=D.
Hmmm, we'll see.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Graduation, celebration!

Oh yes<3.
I am officially a Highschool Graduate.
sometimes I can't even believe it myself!
I'll miss it tho,very much.

Things I'll miss about highschool:
  1. Sitting with friends in the canteen every morning
  2. Homework, that we can just ignore.
  3. Seeing your friends everyday
  4. Teachers (SOME)
  5. Being a senior in school
  6. Getting in trouble for stupid useless things.(Example: short socks, No tie, Bringing phone to school, unsuitable shoes, not being quiet, hanging around outside the class)
  7. Escaping classes
  8. Hiding from the disciplinary mistress
  9. School's food(even though its REALLY oily)
  10. The first toilet of the row in the girls toilet.
  11. The mirror in the Girl's toilet
  12. Seeing the school's security guard getting bribed by students with cigarettes
  13. The guys saying the word "fagging"
  14. Cross country, even if I keep complaining that I hate it
  15. The adrenaline that flows through your body before the gun is fired in MSSD that is held every year.
  16. Running for the school.
  17. Being a yellow house member
  18. Shouting the lame ass yellow house motto( YELLOW HOUSE BOLEH!)
  19. Sleeping in class
  20. My bus rides to school & back from school
  21. making up words in school( example: fugly,pronounced: fuj lee)
  22. making a total ass out of myself in school(Example: like falling down in front of the school's chapel while my skirt went flying up to my face as I fell, making one of the pastry that the scholol's canteen sell that had white powder on it by putting some by my nose to act as if I've just snorted cocaine, walking to class while I was unaware that my zip at the back of my skirt was WIDE open)
  23. My tissue box skirt
  24. Doodling on my table in class
  25. Fascinated by my teachers face expression(BLANK) by staring at his face while he's talking to us,but instead of looking at us he's looking at the wall behind us.
The list goes on.
no, seriously.

was my graduation night.
it was fun in its own way.
the best part of the event was, as I took the time to sit quietly while everyone was chirpping away happily and taking photos..
I actually heard happiness in the air.
it felt incredible..
partly because I was part of the happiness and that it was so amazing to see people all so happy.
I could actually feel the vibe of happiness in the air that night that made me happy too.

That made my night.
It really did:).

Charlene Liaw & I

My class 5 Truth(WHERES JO!?)

5 Truth & 5 Justice

My Class Again

"NUR" looked bootylicious that night

The Girls

Esther & Steph

If you look hard enough, you might just see me.

Si Nur & Kris



Soo Shirley, Charlene Liaw & Nicholas Chong

Blacky locks:P.

Them pretty girls

Them pretty girls take II

With my class teacher, Miss Zane

Check out Jo's tattoos

Being the Vain person that I am

Lovely Kimberly Liaw

The three Amigos

Derek, Kim & I

Jordan's ATTRACTIVE smile

Kim & Chai

Receiving cert for getting 3rd in my Class

OHHH!& is was the representative for my class to give a speech.

Why do i look more round as usual?
Graduation was also awesome because..

we had performances by the students of MN.
I actually had fun that night,no shit:P.

After party was held in my house's second floor balcony.
what another unsober night that was, not for me..
but for the others>:).

will update the photos as soon as I can get my hands on them from kim