Sunday, November 23, 2008


  1. Art
  2. Economics
  3. Perdagangan
  4. English for science & technology
  5. English literature
Some said this year's batch was luckier than last year's.
cause the tests they set for this year was not that hard.
& no I don't feel any panic at all..
ahahaha,you should've seen me last year..
I was practically panicking out of my mind just for my final exam in form 4.
My friend called Bryan said: wait till you face SPM I think you'll end up committing suicide:P.
Look BRYAN!i'm still here:P..
I miss that guy:\.

AH!and tickets are so exspendsive just to go to KL and to come back to KK.
even if its Air Asia!
I really wanted to go..
eh,dosen't matter..all that matter is that I go there during the big sale..
which is when again?

So since we're not going to KL then we'll be going to Jakarta around January perhaps?
we'll see we'll see.
I didn't even get to go to mangga dua on my last trip there cause i had no time due to the fact that I purposely wanted to go for only 2 weeks when I could have stayed a month there.
cause i miss my friends and wanted to spend time with them cause the'll be leaving to futher their studies the year after that.

my tai leng ong cousin Adryz is coming back this coming saturday!
I miss that guy too:P.
eyay,soon soon.
then,next tuesday the 2nd of December Ian Rai is coming back!
which is nice cause the day after he arrives..
& and we can all go out everyday of the week until we get sick of seeing one another..
which I highly doubt.

this holiday is so going to kick ass.