Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ahhh Christmas, a time to share with your loved ones.
unfortunately mine are not here:p.
it's my first time celebrating Christmas without my mom and sisters.
ah well.
I did went for lunch with Jjay in Lintas though.
As usual I can't get enough of the pork crackling soup.
but I can't find that in Jakarta so spare me.
OH! I also went to trim my hair in Albert salon in central plaza where this man called Alex usually cuts my hair.
honestly, it's hard to find a reasonably good hair stylist.
I go to this man cause I believe he won't screw up my hair like one of his last student did that made my hair look like a damn ching chong hair:).
I also had dinner with Jjay and my dad in the house.
It was alright, Jjay cooked.
Ray and Ian also stopped by for a while before the dinner to see if i wanted to go out for dinner cause ray haven't eaten yet as well.
they left after an hour..
but I'll be seeing them again later once their done with whatever their doing at the moment.
right now I'm just enjoying the silence that is present in the office room,
while my dad is playing poker on facebook in the living room and I can hear the card dealing going on.
I didn't even know my dad had facebook:s?
and I also had no idea that he even knew how to use a laptop, I mean like since when?!
ah well, just thought I'd publish up a post today cause it's Christmas.
Anyway, happy Christmas everyone:).
I know most of you are feasting on something nice tonight.
cheers (;.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home for the holidays

I'm baaaaaaack:).
I just got back to kk two days ago and I'm already enjoying myself here.
I went to waterfront as soon as I was done changing at home and I met up with some people there.
it was really nice to see some faces I knew for quite sometime again.
Haha, I couldn't stop smiling that night cause first of all I was finally home! second I got to see Richard and third I was surrounded by people who I care about:).

Haha, funny thing is now I think I'm going to be back to my old sleeping schedule considering I've been sleeping at times that involves 12 and after.
ah man, that wouldn't be too pleasant for me when I do get back to Jakarta.
one of things I'm savoring right now is the fact that kkay doesn't have much mosquitoes here where Jakarta is infested with them.
another thing is that I'm also enjoying the air here, where you can't smell any exhaust pipe smoke unless you walk by the road.
and thirdly, I like how I know where everything is.

Gad i miss kkay.
hahahaha, on the day I arrived i was thinking of going to that place where they serve my favorite pork crackling soup, instead by the time I arrived with Adam, Ian, Rich and Ray the damn place was closing! and in the end i ended up eating indo mee at BTC.
of all thing I thought I'd be eating that night after being back from Jakarta.
hahahaha, indo mee!

speaking of food, I'm reaaaaaaally hungry.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Am currently in Chitos chilling in shisha cafe with my niece and 3 of her friends.
it was kind of like an impromptu thing to do,
but I just felt like going out all of a sudden
and I don't really want to be stuck in the house for the whole day.
oh! and I also wanted to use the internet to do some research.
+ i found my ipod:)!
after 3 weeks.....
but yeah, i found it in my gym bag, which i checked but it turned out it was under this layer that keep the bag in shape or something like that:p.
I felt so relieved, after 3 weeks without music, I finally found my Ipod.
my life was empty without it.
but yeah the fact that I found my Ipod made my whole week.

ah crap, I have to work on my research now after procrastinating for 2 hours now.
argh, oh the lazyness.
Duty calls.

Sunday, December 13, 2009



My weekend turned out to be pretty good,
didn't manage to go see Armin van buuren spin.
but ah well.. my weekend was a weekend well spent.
I watched zombieland! it was pretty funny actually and the bald dude in it was so hardcore in killing zombies.
OH! i also bought a new dress from Zara which is a little black dress,
and that is definitely money well spent!
I'm currently in love with it now, I'm thinking of wearing it when I go back to kkay, when the occasion calls for it that is.
I also visited forever 21, unfortunately the collection of this month is BAD:|,
i would've thought they would have a nice pair of sunglasses or two, but there was absolutely nothing.
Topshop however.. had really nice things which I was wide eyed over.
If only I could afford more things.
Heh, well I'm happy enough with one dress so I guess it's all good and enough to satisfy my needs for shopping for a few months until I saved enough money to go shopping again.
Which just gives me more reason to anticipate the months ahead.

My current situation however.. sucks.
I arrived to uni in a good mood,
but noooo
the damn internet connection just had to be so unbearably slow.
I'm trying to do my fashion design homework and requires lots of research on the internet.
But this internet connection is making me want to hit it in the face if it did actually have one.
So because of the really slow connection, thus I am here blogging:p.
I still haven't got my research printed yet, argh, the printing here is so damn expensive.
for a page that uses color cost about 2 ringgit and 50 cents, and a page of non colored printing cost about a ringgit each page.
£^)*)@&^$% !

obviously you can get it cheaper outside of uni, but I have no idea where :s.
I spend most of my money on printing and food, how crappy is that?
I'm going to have to find a nearby shop that does printing and charge lesser then the school.
for now I'd have to live with the prices, Ihhhhhhh.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009



It has been.. a while.
I would've been updating my blog except that I still don't have any internet connection at home yet.
so I guess I'd just have to deal with it until the house do have internet excess.
You know Christmas break is coming soon and all, I would have to worry about finishing my damn assignments and all which is a damn big pain in the ass.
and there is no way in hell I'm going to use my holiday for that so I'm going to have to struggle and get it over with before I go to kkay cause I don't have a sewing machine there and I only have 13 days to spend there so I want to spend it wisely.
Unfortunately i haven't got much done yet, probably will focus more on it this weekend cause right now I have Computer Aided Design Patter Drafting(CAD PD), which is also a ginormous big pain in the ass cause i don't really get it but at the same time i do:S?
ah whatever, thankfully we only have the class a few weeks a year.
so it's all good.
I'm also waiting for the time to past faster, and I guess the more I pay attention to the time and date the more it goes SLOWER.
18th of December, could you get any slower>:/?