Thursday, December 17, 2009


Am currently in Chitos chilling in shisha cafe with my niece and 3 of her friends.
it was kind of like an impromptu thing to do,
but I just felt like going out all of a sudden
and I don't really want to be stuck in the house for the whole day.
oh! and I also wanted to use the internet to do some research.
+ i found my ipod:)!
after 3 weeks.....
but yeah, i found it in my gym bag, which i checked but it turned out it was under this layer that keep the bag in shape or something like that:p.
I felt so relieved, after 3 weeks without music, I finally found my Ipod.
my life was empty without it.
but yeah the fact that I found my Ipod made my whole week.

ah crap, I have to work on my research now after procrastinating for 2 hours now.
argh, oh the lazyness.
Duty calls.