Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home for the holidays

I'm baaaaaaack:).
I just got back to kk two days ago and I'm already enjoying myself here.
I went to waterfront as soon as I was done changing at home and I met up with some people there.
it was really nice to see some faces I knew for quite sometime again.
Haha, I couldn't stop smiling that night cause first of all I was finally home! second I got to see Richard and third I was surrounded by people who I care about:).

Haha, funny thing is now I think I'm going to be back to my old sleeping schedule considering I've been sleeping at times that involves 12 and after.
ah man, that wouldn't be too pleasant for me when I do get back to Jakarta.
one of things I'm savoring right now is the fact that kkay doesn't have much mosquitoes here where Jakarta is infested with them.
another thing is that I'm also enjoying the air here, where you can't smell any exhaust pipe smoke unless you walk by the road.
and thirdly, I like how I know where everything is.

Gad i miss kkay.
hahahaha, on the day I arrived i was thinking of going to that place where they serve my favorite pork crackling soup, instead by the time I arrived with Adam, Ian, Rich and Ray the damn place was closing! and in the end i ended up eating indo mee at BTC.
of all thing I thought I'd be eating that night after being back from Jakarta.
hahahaha, indo mee!

speaking of food, I'm reaaaaaaally hungry.