Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Simply Irritated

As usual I'm here once again in chitos waiting for my ride to come get me.
Unfortunately this time, I have forgotten to bring my damn phone.
How lovely.
So I pretty much have to guess when is the car coming so I can go to the counter to make a car call.
but you know what, not really:P.
cause I have no classes this Friday.
and the great thing about not having classes on this Friday is because it was suppose to be the day of our textile exam.
so my classmates and I got a week extra to study.
which is good considering work has been piling up on us since we got back from our holidays.
Ugh, I literally feet like a zombie today.
This FD work is draining the energy out of me.
ah well, it'll all be okay again when this Friday comes.

I was in the women's toilet just now, and I don't get how a woman uses a toilet for such a LONG time.
no seriously, as in 7 to 10 minutes long, well unless their shitting.
but anyway, what on earth do you do in a toilet stall for that long?
you unbutton your pants or whatever, pee, put it back on and come out.
does that sound like it'll take 7 to 8 minutes to you?
cause it sure doesn't to me.
gah, I'm in such an irritated mood right now due to my lack of sleep.
and I won't be able to get enough sleep again tonight cause I'd have to do my stinking creative fabric and colouring.
I like what I study and all, but it's just annoying when it doesn't even give me anymore time to do what I want anymore.
I can't even go out to a mall, or watch a movie, or go for a little window shopping or something like that.
I haven't been to a mall to do just what I want in Jakarta in months.
how sad is that?
I must say, VERY.
I also have my job training thingo to settle.
see, were suppose to send our resume to any companies of our choice as long as it has got to do with fashion.
the thing is, this was suppose to be done a month ago.
and I haven't even got to it yet and job training starts on the 15 of march for 3 weeks.
Man I'm so unorganized.
busy busy busy.
I wish i was in kkay again, it's so chilled there:/.
I hear myself screaming in my head to get my FD sketches done.
well, duty calls.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to J

wellllllllllll, I'm back in Jakarta.. Sadly.
You know, I'll admit..I'm actually really not a city type of person.
traffic today wasn't so bad, the usual.

I'm sitting here in my Pattern Drafting class while waiting for my life drawing class to start at 1p.m later.
so in the mean time, I thought I'd update my blog.
Anyway, I realized that leaving kkay for the 2nd time isn't as bad as the 1st.
well, it was but just not as bad.
I decided to stay awake in the plane just before we take off to Jakarta to savour the feeling of still being in kkay.
cause I won't be back perhaps in another 4 months time.
so I just watched as we zoomed off and and as soon as I was no longer was able to see kkay through my window.
I put on my eye mask on and drifted to sleep.
man, kkay looked so beautiful though my plane window.
all those little sparkly lights.
:/, I miss kkay already even though its only been 13 hours.
Rich sent me off to the airport, it was nice:). and this time he could stay longer:D.
I really enjoyed his company, it comforted me.
I miss Richard very much:(.
Ian too!
I had so much fun in kkay this holiday, even if I didn't do much.
but it was definitely time well spent.
But damn, now I have to catch up on my assignments.
F my life.
I really far behind on my Fashion Design assignment.
which I have to start working on it today.
I also regretted not changing my ringgits to rupiahs.
ah well.
exchange rates here are so shitty.
and when the is the rates for pounds is going to go up?!
so far it's only been going dowwwwwwwwwwwwwn.
damn it.
anyway, I'd probably should get to my FD assignment.
It's eating me alive:).

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I should be at Kundasang right at this very moment enjoying the fresh air .
Was suppose to make a trip there with the guys but them being boys decided not to go in the end cause probably they were tired, so they didn't bother.
Ah well, was REALLY looking forward to it:/.
i was thinking, ah well maybe if we don't get to go to Pulau 3 then theres always Kundasang.
The main reason i wanted to go there so much is cause i wan to see Adryz's newly built house there and i heard it was really nice.
This is so shit.
and you know what else is shit?
I found out yesterday that I got picked for National Service.
I mean like WHYYYYYYYY?
I thought it'd probably skip me or something considering I skipped a grade.
so much for that, pft.
It said I would be in the second or third batch.
Hell no, if thats around summer.. there is NO WAY I am spending my summer on some useless national service crap on my ONLY long holiday.
I'll work something out somehow.
Right now whats going through my mind right now is the young coconut sorbet in dream cones at Jessleton.
That sorbet is GOOD! they have bounty too:]!
as soon as this wretched cough is gone I'm going straight to that place to get me some sorbet.
I don't know why a lot people loves cookie dough flavoured ice cream.
It's alright and all, but it gets really boring after a while and it's too sweet I reckon.
Oh last night event was fun, it was my niece's 1 year birthday and she was wearing this white princess gown that looked so adorable on her.
hahaha, knowing my family, they also used the event to get alcohol involved.
tsk tsk tsk.
Ian, Adryz, Adam, Rich, Jude, Ray, Tim, Coxy, and the other Adam was there too.
My mom cooked her famous pork and eggs black stew.
Damn good.
hahaha, I was in charge of filling the tapai with water.
ahaha, we also got most of the white guys to drink:p.
like Jo, Michael and Rich.
That tapai was STRONG!
I only had one go cause after that my nose started bleeding:/.
and according to rich I looked a little pale as if I have anemia or something :s.
I went to bed pretty early yesterday, i guess I was pretty drained cause I've been sleeping at 5 something in the morning at 2 days in a row.
Gah anyway, I have to get on with my textile assignment.
I've been procrastinating since I arrived KK.
this is not good.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pulau Sapi

whats up night owls:).
so it's 3:19 a.m and I'm currently waiting for one of my cousin to get back from one of their outings so I can open the door for her since she doesn't have a key.
Since I'm up this last I might as well update my blog with a new post:D.

So anyway, i went to the islands yesterday along with a big group of people.
It was fun:), I manage to get a tan, FINALLY!
after months and months of looking kind of pale.
It isn't much, just a slight tint.
but thats what I wanted.
Adryz brought a mini keg, it was cute:p.
too bad for the everyone that it was foamy when we arrived at the island.
ah well.
Rich was suppose to come too but he had to go to the immigration, he did however.
but, he ended up going to the wrong island.
poor Richard, I really wanted him there:\.
I didn't get to take photos when we were in the island, was too busy tanning:p.
hahahaha, we buried Ray as well.
gave him boobs and stuff, you know the usual ahaha.
overall, as we got back, i could tell that everyone were dead tired from the island trip.
the reason is cause on our way to the island there was loads of chattering, however, on our way back it was pretty quiet.
Oh someone was suppose to man up that day but chickened out.

Dryz & Coxy

Timmy Bim Bap:)!

Ian & I

Ray's love for that keg.

I felt bad for Adryz cause he had to send Rich and I to my house and the traffic was bad.
Gah, it's times like these I wished I have a license for driving.
I hope I didn't make him be too late for his futsal match
haha, poor guys though..
Ian and Adryz both looked so drained out.
well we all were:p.
but the island trip was just great:]!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

KK I love you

Guess whose back in KK:p.
I arrived last night in the terminal 2 air asia waiting with excitement
as I was going to surprise Richard at shamrock.
haha, i swear you can see the excitement dancing in my eyes.
I had jjay call him to ask where he was and later found out he was in shamrock which was perfect.
so I got home and got ready and all and head down over to waterfront with Carol and her boyfriend, Michael.
After greeting Rich's mom, I saw him sitting with a group of his brother's friends.
so I decide to just stand at 2 O'clock of his vision to see he would notice me standing there, until 8 seconds later then noticed me at the time where he was just about to swallow down his beer:p.
hahaha, he nearly choked on it and was struggling to swallow it down:p.
ahaha, I swear both of us couldn't stop grinning at each other.
and I had to stop myself from hugging him too much.
I'm just really happy at this moment, still am actually:).