Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pulau Sapi

whats up night owls:).
so it's 3:19 a.m and I'm currently waiting for one of my cousin to get back from one of their outings so I can open the door for her since she doesn't have a key.
Since I'm up this last I might as well update my blog with a new post:D.

So anyway, i went to the islands yesterday along with a big group of people.
It was fun:), I manage to get a tan, FINALLY!
after months and months of looking kind of pale.
It isn't much, just a slight tint.
but thats what I wanted.
Adryz brought a mini keg, it was cute:p.
too bad for the everyone that it was foamy when we arrived at the island.
ah well.
Rich was suppose to come too but he had to go to the immigration, he did however.
but, he ended up going to the wrong island.
poor Richard, I really wanted him there:\.
I didn't get to take photos when we were in the island, was too busy tanning:p.
hahahaha, we buried Ray as well.
gave him boobs and stuff, you know the usual ahaha.
overall, as we got back, i could tell that everyone were dead tired from the island trip.
the reason is cause on our way to the island there was loads of chattering, however, on our way back it was pretty quiet.
Oh someone was suppose to man up that day but chickened out.

Dryz & Coxy

Timmy Bim Bap:)!

Ian & I

Ray's love for that keg.

I felt bad for Adryz cause he had to send Rich and I to my house and the traffic was bad.
Gah, it's times like these I wished I have a license for driving.
I hope I didn't make him be too late for his futsal match
haha, poor guys though..
Ian and Adryz both looked so drained out.
well we all were:p.
but the island trip was just great:]!