Monday, August 1, 2011


Work has been alright, been really busy lately.
I really want to go out thought but i'm always so tired and at the end of a tired day,
all i want to do is just sit home and watch tv or series or just go online.
At the same time, i wanna go out too cause the walls in the house is driving me insane.
Richard only comes over once in a while to keep me company after work when he has a ride.
unfortunately, not all the time. so 75% of my time i have to find a way to entertain myself in the house.

This detox programme is driving me crazy too! I can eat lunch and breakfast but as for dinner, it's my doom.
So now here i am with growling stomach where my mum and i were suppose to go for our detox thingo,
but that woman bailed out on me for the buka puasa buffet in hyatt. I swear my family is all about the food.
There's nothing in the fridge that is be able to be eaten without frying it. AHHHHH, that corned beef looks soooo
tempting. AND THAT CHOCOLATE CAKE TOO. Maybe 30 minute on the treadmill will take my mind off food.
But wouldn't that just make me hungrier after?

eh, it's worth a shot.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


KK has been great as expected.
but i'm tired all the time!
I go to bed at 3 or 4 in the morning and wake up at 8:30 to get ready for work.

Finally i get to see richard! so nice to have someone always with arms wide open ready for a hug:).
Tina's been back too but we haven't got the chance to hang out cause she has to go home to skype with her boyfriend.
hopefully soon?
as for my other friends the couples are too busy with their lovers to hang out and the singles are to busy finding lovers.

ah well, lots of family to hang out with,
been clubbing with my cousin and sisters.
hahahahaha! and i swear one of my older sister has the most stiff and awkward dance.
it's entertaining to watch though.
& the food?
the food..has been EPIC!
Damn i wish indo had as much pork as KK man.
I do miss a few dishes from indo though.
having my off day today, but it's already sunday!
so fast, ugh and then i'll have to work again tomorrow

I'm quite surprised that shenanigans is so dead now, and filled with OLD MEN.
who happen to be very ambitious when it comes to picking up chicks.
they could practically be my grandfather.
I reckon shenanigans should switch to DJ then live band.
And when the DJ start spinning he won't shut up and kept interrupting the music.
As for white room, it's packed like usual.
bed is still filled with sarong party girls trying to pick up old white tourist men.

i got my fingers crossed to more fun nights:)!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last week in Jakarta

so this week is pretty much my last in Jakarta until class starts again at September
hence, the title.
But anyway, I have been pretty much laying low at home.
Things are pretty much boring at the moment.
Been watching DVD's since day one of my summer holiday.
although i did manage to get loads of exercise! well it is the only time i get the chance to get out of this house since the car is being used every single day which leaves me having no transportation to anywhere at all
unless i could take a cab to the mall some where near the city but for one trip to the mall it cost about RM42 and another RM42 to get home.
Sorry, but I'm too chinese for that, seriously.
I'd rather spend the money on buying groceries then cooking myself something special as a treat.

Ugh, every one of my friends lives so far away.
well technically I'm the one whose in the other side of Jakarta, heh.
I have quite a number of stuff to do before i get back to KK.
mostly it's Pam's errands, I wonder why can't she at least divide the work between Natalie & I?
and then Nina decided to forget her her bag of accessories, I'm definitely telling Natalie to carry that in her bag cause i got enough stuff to bring for Pam as it is!
such as crisps (who bring crisps:s?!) which is a few big packs of it, fake eye lashes, bottles of pam's soap (can't she buy it there?!), a belt?! which is about 1.5 cm wide (she couldn't even fit that in there?)
& she had 60kg divided among her and Nina.
what's up with that?
not only that but i also have to buy 4 bottles of this spinach shampoo that my mom is oh so obsessed about.
I have my own stuff to bring back too..
Like my sewing machine, sewing tools, clothes that would last me for 2 months, most definitely shoes.
speaking of clothes i don't even know what to pack for.
I keep asking myself, would i be going out or not?
will there be any important events?
since I'm working for my mum what do i wear?
i wonder if i can actually just go to work wearing my boxers and shirt:p.
well the office is in the house.
I just hope she doesn't give me work that makes me sit in a spot for 7 hours.
that the main thing of why i got into fashion
not only it rekindles the creativity in you, but it also keeps you going up and about.
although there are times where i would sit in a spot from 11 in the morning till 5 in the morning but it's just so interesting till you lose track of time.

Speaking of work, due to my lack of motion that causes me to be bored all the time these couple of weeks, i have decided to work on a simple gray blouse/outerwear.
just experimenting to see how it goes.
i hope it does end up well though and my pattern won't end up looking absolutely retarded.
The fabric would be cotton jersey I'm expecting it to have the whole grungy outlook in the end.

Spent the whole day (& night) skyping with Richard since he won't be able to come on skype tonight cause he's working the night shift for tonight.
He didn't actually really wake up till 3 in the afternoon which by that time I was about to take a nap. Then by the time i got back from my usual jogs he had to go off to work, great.
I guess there's always tomorrow?
3 more days till i soak up the sun & breathe in the KK breeze:).

P.S Blogspot sucks for not being able to post GIFS that actually moves.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer holidays

Align Center

Holidays are here.
Finally, after 8 months ++ it's here.
I envy the girls from my class that would be leaving for a week in Bali tomorrow!
As for me i'm stuck here.
oh and i didn't manage to finish my tailor jacket for the exam, however,
i did manage to do 90% of it.
so i did pretty good for my presentation yesterday.
All i know is i definitely won't be doing any resit for my pattern drafting and fashion design exam!
trust me, once is ENOUGH!
results would be released on the 13th, so I'm looking forward to that but at the same time i"m kinda dreading it.
I was suppose to go to dufan (dunia fatasi) today.
it's a theme park in jakarta.
unfortunately i can't go cause my brain that has the memory of an 80 year old woman and i forgot my purse in my friend's car.
My cousin couldn't lend me any money cause she hasn't gone to the bank this morning and everyone was suppose to meet in uni.
and then whats even worse is that i got a very immature and rude text from a certain someone who has an attitude problem which I'm really really getting tired of dealing with.
stayed home all day with nothing to do but just go on the computer and sleep.
god i wanted to go to dufan so badly:(!
well, at least i got to go for run and sweat out my problems which made me feel less sluggish and happier afterward:).
on the bright side, another 2nd year class would be going on Thursday, which without a doubt i would be joining!
as for now, i guess tomorrow's schedule of the day would be the same as today.
man i really need to get the extension pack for sims 3 on mac cause i reckon my cousn is getting sick of me being in her room:p.
come onnnnn, what else can i dooooo.
and don't tell me to sew cause i've been doing that non stop along with being sleep deprived.
I'm not ready to start yet.
I also need to get more PS2 games.
something like rockstar games.
you know what?
actually, i really do enjoy being a useless shit all day listening to john mayer.
life is looking so good now.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Black market

today was a good day.
I went to the black market with a good friend in jakarta!
they basically sell stuff that are manufactured in indonesia.
the materials are the leftovers are then use to manufacture extras that would be sold in the market.
Got some pretty good deals there.

got a pair of doc martens, oakley see through framed wayfarers, a shirt by sound 97 and gap which are soooo soft and soooooo cheap!
oh my god i'm definitely going back there again:)!
I recommend anyone whose coming to jakarta to go there.
it's called taman puring.
despite how sweaty, hot and crowded it is, it's worth it.
i saw this really cute celine bag that's black with fringes!
but it's about rp1, 200, 000. 00 (RM 424)
it's cheap but like i already spent my money on docs:/.
ah well, i'm still happy with my decision though:).
had a really nice time with hunna, whose part Arab and part indo.
she's really pretty:)!
had an early dinner in a pasta place in kemang.
i really like that street lot's of restaurant and cafes there which has such interesting interiors:).

i also went out a couple of friends yesterday to get some dinner in domino's and in the midst of walking i found this really cool printed scarf/shawl which cost about 44000rp (RM15.50).
i like how everything is cheap here if you know where to look:).
but it's funny how gap is actually considered a high class brand here?
they bloody raised the price by a lot here that's why.
so is mango, you can't find any piece of clothing that's under 200,000.00 rp (RM70), even for just a simple tank top that says "MANGO" on it.
man, i reckon shopping is like ecstasy, gives you a rush of joy when you purchase something and then few hours later brings you down like a mofo as soon as you realize how much you've spent.
fortunately, I'm only the type that spends a lot twice a year, but then again i don't go overboard as well! just in time to stop myself.
i basically had to drag my own ass out of there to avoid spending more.
would've like to see more though but i guess the temptation would be too high not to buy something.

last day of exam tomorrow, and i already got all my fabrics sewn to create a tailor jacket!
just gotta sew the lining together then connect it with the jacket, sew on the pair of padding onto the shoulders and sew the pockets.
trust me doesn't sound much but it is, & i have till 4 to do this.
I'm hoping i get to finish it though.
or else i'm gonna have to do lots of explaining to the jury this coming Monday for my presentation:|.
however,i do have my outfit planned for that day!
& i'm excited for that:).

wish me luck!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Indian tonight

Natalie has her friends over for dinner.
and pam is cooking indian food, I don't like indian food.
and it's vegetarian..
which makes it worse:|.
hahaha, the last experience of being a pesco pretty much scarred me.
Maybe it's the strong taste of herbs.
but it always makes me feel green in a way.
dinner is ready, wish me luck.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Hello world,
yes i have been very disconnected with my blog. But today, today, i just felt like blogging:).
+ my brother always go " kimmy why don't you ever update your blog anymore?"
so here I am.
exams started 11 days ago and i have just completed my Fashion design exam finally.
what we had to do was:
  • 30 designs for spring-summer (RTW) 2012 (with complete product variation)
  • 60 technical drawing (Front+back)
  • Brand image (price tag, packaging, target market, brand content, business card)
  • 4 creative fabrics
  • 4 strong point samples of your designs
  • Cover
  • 6 Total looks (Coloured)
  • fabric proposition
  • colour range along with personal colour names
  • Preface for our collection
  • Mood board
  • Personal universe board
  • Collection Plan stating fabrics and colour for each product(categorized)
I was one of the lucky ones because i actually got a theme that suited my overall style. which is apocalypse.
and my personal theme?
Drug addicts.
apocalypse is the main theme but we are suppose to develop our own theme that has to somehow link to the main theme that was given so I decided to experiment with drug addict lifestyle and emotions.
Perhaps it's an unusual theme to pick, but overall i thought it was interesting theme to work with.

For the mini collection that i designed for my exam, most of my designs has silhouettes that are straight.
however, as for my dresses, i wanted to do the opposite which is fitted.
I have overall more tops then everything else.
cause we were told to think logically when distributing out designs equally to each products.
I had Tops, skirts, trousers, shorts, outer wear (which i love), dresses & shorts.
I made more tops cause personally i have more tops then everything else in my closet, then comes the trousers, outer wear, dresses and skirt.
The rules of the exam is that we're suppose to bring everything on the first day( Fabrics, sewing machine, stationary, papers etc') and nothing more after that.
sneaky as I am, i did anyways.
and so did 90% of the students.
my whole wardrobe for this week has been paired with jackets and loose jumpers.
so you can imagine
i actually felt like i was smuggling drugs into the classroom or shop lifting.
Well what do you expect,
we had a lot of shit to do in just 4 days.

use to be 5 days...........

so basically I spent late nights trying to finish what i brought home with me.

(this is just the front, 30 more for the back)
on wednesday night i spent my time doing technical drawings for the back of my products that kept me up till 2:30a.m and last night i was up till 4:30 a.m just working on my total looks and had to get up at 6:30 to get ready to go for my exams.
As expected, i felt like absolute crap.
Life of fashion design student = endless nights of late nights (even if you started an assignment early)

Mood board that I put together, where I get my inspiration from.

one of my creative fabrics, prints inspired by broken concrete

I decided to name my brand Kristine Kim because first of all i couldn't be bothered thinking of a brand name, second, reminds me of the brand that my dad started.
I have my pattern drafting test on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday.
4 more days of exams and exams are over
however, i expect that i have to stay back for remedial due the fact that I'm probably going to fail my CAD PD (computer aided design for pattern drafting) and my marketing cause we had to do costings for 50 products & write 3 essays in just 3 hours
and i had no time to finish up my costing.
no one ever did, seriously.
asshole marketing lecturer.
which intervenes with the schedule that my family will be in Singapore i really want to go:(
so while they're in Singapore I'll be in Jakarta waiting for my shitty ass remedial paper to come.
one of the reasons why i want to go there is because i heard Singapore has a doc marten's shop and i really REALLY want a pair with absolute passion, my sister and my niece is going to be there, i haven't been back in Singapore since 2008.

I also can't wait to get back to KK.
Where I'll see Richard and my family and get all the KK food i want.
my gut is practically screaming for some pork crackling noodle soup and hilltop dim sum.
I have also been broke, cause only one of my sister sent me money this month cause it went all towards transport, fabrics, and things to prepare for my exams.
I don't want to borrow from my cousin for any so yeah, cause she's probably going to nag at me.
so i borrowed from one of my good friend instead to buy stuff for my PD exam. minus the nagging.

i just hope they send me the money soon or else I'm probably going to have to starve myself for the 4 days left.
I'm not looking forward to my PD exam cause i forgot how to create the construction for a tailor collar which i couldn't take my notes cause it was in my file that is locked in my lecturer's cupboard.

what am i going to do now?

broke and clueless, what a perfect combination.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Okay so today I woke up thinking today is going to be a good day.
I got to chitos with two of my nieces and my day was totally ruined by the wrong order.
This waiter claimed that i ordered "this so called food" when i clearly knew what i ordered.
I was so pissed off, not only cause they gave me the wrong order but the guy just stood there
thinking he's "right".
I said well is it possible if you change it? But he was like oh then it'll come out of my pay.
Well Mr. stupid, i don't fucking care if it does cause it was your bloody fault
for not getting your ass off the chair at the first place cause you were too busy talking to
your shitty co worker.
Seriously it's your problem don't blame it on other customers, learn to deal with your mistakes
And that bastard didn't even apologize.
Like common! If you're not sure you could've at least came back and ask me again! It's not
I wouldn't sentence you to death but now that you got my order wrong perhaps i bloody will
You asshole. If i was a mass murderer you would be dead now.
This dish that came had rice and bread meat and a shitty side of vegetables.
The one i wanted was seasoned meat with bread and yogurt ONLY.
Fuck you shisha cafe and that shitty waiter and his stupid friend.
Fuck this resturant, cause clearly to them in this restaurant "the customer is always right"
Is just bull shit to them.

NOW I FEEL BETTER:). Damn I'm so hateful and bitchy when it comes to my food:p.