Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I finally have time to actually update my blog after quite sometime now.
ah well, been a very busy bee.
Ever since uni started I have be SO BUSY!
made lots of friends, and learned quite a lot this semester.
it has also been a really stressful one.

a lot has been going on for me.
there are good ones and bad ones.
so far it has been good though, am back for christmas break.
unfortunately it's really short though :/
will be leaving on the 1st.
I could leave later but I have an assignment to hand in on the 3rd and there are no flight going back on the 2nd.
it's my second year in uni and it's getting more difficult.
There are time I didn't sleep for 2 days in a row because of lousy assignments
then again I do enjoy doing them.
I just wished we didn't have to rush all the time!
and why do they have t give it to us at the most inconvenient time?
like christmas..who get bloody assignments on christmas?!
I was suppose to bring a friend back with me to kk but she decided to she wanted to visit her mum and baby sister in Sydney instead.
wished she could have joined me though.
she's missing out on all the food man:p!
I'm still currently looking for a good tailor to help me with sewing my samples for my assignment.
And I'm currently working on my denim shorts, I'm pretty excited to see how it's going to turn out.
it's gonna have the unfinished look.
it's for an assignment, then when I'm done I can wear it :D!
Pretty excited for futsal tomorrow!
i didn't bring any shoes, but I'm sure I'll be able to find something to wear around the house.
And i can't wait for the islands!
gonna get a tan>:)!
a place to tan without being stared at by street men
and since I've been back, I haven't been able to get my hand on any kk food!
it feel really nice to leave my door open and not to worry about mosquito going into my room.
my room no longer looks like my room anymore cause my mum dump all this shit in there.
i don't even know why Sonia's stuff is in there.
but it looks like a big shit hole.
don't we already have a bloody store room in the house?!
anyway, I'm off to work on my shorts.
will update as soon as have something to talk about:p.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm so excited!
I'll be leaving for KK today during the evening:D!
For one is that I'm so excited to eat the food, oh, glorious food.
I wanted to surprise rich but he's currently in Tawau & would only be back tomorrow.
ARGH! that's just ruining my plan.
Right now I have something in mind, but I'm still thinking about it.
Gahhh, I also have no idea what to pack! Cause I'll be in Kkay until September something:/.
I don't even know officially what my plans are going to be yet.
I reckon the first thing I want to do when I get to Kkay is to get a bloody haircut,
cause the last haircut I had was on Christmas day.
And perhaps I'll go for the food!
I'm also looking forward to the hand me downs from my sister.
Trust me, they may be hand me downs but they are really good quality.
and pretty too:), well most of the time.
that is if my sister hasn't taken all of it yet>:(!
Oh! and i also wanna get shoes, cause I'm not too fond of the ones in Jakarta.
sides, most of my money is already in Ringgit.
I want my bed! with my pretty bed sheets and comfy duvet!
I'd probably just stay at home first when I arrive cause since coming back from Jakarta,
I usually go straight to shamrock to see rich after i drop off my luggage.
since he's not here, I guess I should just stay at home when I arrive.
But I'll be expecting good breakfast tomorrow!
ngiu chap or dim sum in hill top perhaps:)?

Anyway, I have been doing quite a few stuff for the past couple of days.

we actually just recently celebrated Nina's (Niece) birthday in an Itaian restaurant called pepenero.

Food was good, even though all I had was asparagus soup cause i had a late lunch.
but the mushroom ravioli I tried was damn tasty.
The Bach's

The Birthday Girl and her good friends
Left-Right: Julia, Pippa, & Nina

Hidden talent? NAAAAAAAT.

The night turned out all chilled out,
Nina slept over her friend's place.

haha, did I mention she got a laptop from her parents?
so lucky. I only got my first ever laptop last year.
ahaha, & she's in year 7
kids these days are so lucky.
zara clothes ( I won't even begin to mention ones that get high end brands like Prada:s), blackberry, laptops, ipods..

As for my day, I pretty much went to Uni in the morning to get my passport.
and just hung around Chitos with Natalie (niece) and did some shisha and food in shisha cafe with some people.
Anyway, I'm off to bed.. Cause number 1 I'm hungry, number 2 I'm tired & number 3, MY FLIGHT IS JUST IN A MATTER OF HOURS:D!

Monday, July 5, 2010


I watched knight & day today>:).
And i must say tom cruise is not that tall.
ahahaha, I reckon he was wearing heels in that movie, in fact I SWEAR BY IT!
ah well, the movie actually made me realize that tom cruise is actually pretty attractive.
too bad he's.. SHORT:s.
ah well, it was still a good movie though.

So basically my life has been revolving around the PS2 in Jakarta,
which is pretty sad really.
Nakita and Martha is in Shang Hai doing fashion week which I actually had a chance to take part as a fitter for one of the Indonesian designer!
BUT i had no bloody money..Oooh no surprise there pft.
I really want to see Shang Hai though:/.
Someday, Someeeeeeeeeeeday.

I don't want to stay in Jakarta any longer cause it's so depressing!
both my friends are gone.
so I'm stuck here.. alone.
I hope that agent has already started sorting out my visa cause I want to leave as soon as I can.
I mean like, I don't hate Jakarta.
I'm just not use to it.
And friends here are pretty limited cause it's not like I'm anti social and all,
it's just that most of the local Indos behave differently.
I'm not saying it's's just that it makes it harder to click you know?
And Martha Nakita & I heard that others has been talking shit about us getting extra attention because we're international students.
Well, I'm sorry to all of them but it's really not our fault.
Besides talking shit isn't going to do anyone good but make us more bitter.
Ugh, most of these things has been coming specially from this girl in my class..

I call her clucky:).
cause she sounds like a chicken:p.
thankfully shes out of my hair by the time my fourth semester starts.
but Martha is leaving back to London:/.
so it'll only be Nakita & I.
the outcast.

and also the slackers:p..

No no kidding I don't slack, honest!

Man I miss nakita:/,
I also hate her for leaving me here and going to fashion week in Shang Hai.

Damn you Woman.

Now who's going to be my video game buddy:(?
and who's going to eat Ramen with me in chitos?

whatever, If I do come back to KK for new year's eve this year I'm bringing her with me!
ughhhhh, I have my fingers crossed for going back home to KK this week.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So things have been pretty chill lately now that I have completed my course.
I got to do things i wanted to do for quite sometime now.
that stays up till 6 in the morning and wake up at 4 in the evening:p! OH! and I also get to skype with Richard more now:).

The DJ booth and also where the models come out and in from the stairs that is on the left and right behind the screens.

Taken before the show started, it was packed by the time the show began.

Taken during the show

Recently I attended an event that was organized by my uni. The venue was was actually really good.
there was a fashion show that was showing each 3rd year student's collection.
The theme for this year was Archipelago.

[3rd year's work from different students]

I must say the sewing looked really neat. And some of the designs were really pretty too:)! And the Models?
there were really good looking international male & female models.
OH! I saw a jacket as well which was neon green and had teeth around the hood:D!
It's from one of the students collection called "Attack of the Mutated Nu Rave Reptile".
I feel that going to the fashion show did me some good because it made me see how it's going to be like for my 3rd year.
It inspired me.
I thought it's amazing how these student came into ESMOD and graduate with producing their own collection as well.

I'm pretty excited for when my turn comes:), well yet a little scared:s.

After the show, Nakita, Martha & I went to Grand Indonesia Mall to grab some dinner in this restaurant/Bar called Social House.
The food? Epic.
Specially the steak which Nakita Ordered where as I ordered the "Fettuccine & Lamb Ragout" which was also damn good, *drools*.

As for desert I wanted an apple crumble but they were out of it so settled for apple pie.
Which not only looked good but tasted good too:)

Nakita & Martha's desert

UGH, I'm also pretty worried about my VISA
cause maybe it might keep me here in Jakarta for about 3 more weeks.
By the time I Get back to KK everyone will be gone or maybe have only a few days left.
ahhhhh, this Visa crap is screwing up my holiday plans.
I'm gonna miss a whole lot of stuff.

GAHHHHHHHHH! Mannnnnn, why can't getting my VISA done only takes 2 days:(?!
And Richard is going to come back this Saturday which is making me more agitated.
I'm going to try my best to get this matter sorted.
Cause if there is no KK and my friends in it then I'm never going to get the holiday I've been craving for months now:/.
I CRAVE BLISS IN KK WITH FRIENDS SOON, is that too much to ask for>:/?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Job training, Birds?

I reckon job training went well:)
even though i felt completely useless during the first week
but all in all I enjoyed working there.

I actually miss working now that I'm back at ESMOD, everything is always in a rush.
When I was working at Jeffry's, everything was so chilled out.
Oh! and there was always a nice restaurant to go to!
I had to help Jeffry make some stuff actually, mostly stuff that involves synthetic leather.
The design he came up with for this event is called the BWA(British Woman Association) was really cool.
The concept of it was what a dominatrix would wear.

Most of the designs involved synthetic leather cut into fringes and thats where I come in:).
I had to make the front part of a :
  • Dress
  • Blouse
  • Pants
This took me 2 weeks, and at the end of it my fingers were totally chapped.
During those 2 weeks there was no way I could get by a day without pricking myself with a needle and bleeding after that.
Luckily, the last week I had there, I got to do computer duty.
Which mostly involved updating the designer's social website and making technical sheets, OH! and photo shopping too.

Well, it wasn't all work and no play, Lucky for me I had 2 of my classmates with me to work with at Jeffy's :p.

This is what we do to the designer's mannequin when he's out:p.

Nakita with a Jilbab

Cum face, ahahahaha.

I had no idea what was Nakita and Archy doing.

Us sewing buttons on shirts


On our last day, the three of us stayed until 9 instead of 5 because we wanted to and we also decided to help out on the wipe out sale.
I got a jacket for myself for a reasonable price.
70% discount!
Before we left we gave Jeffry a Little present, It's not much.. but we gave some thought to it.
We gave him a packet of mechanical pencils and an eraser cause he's always borrowing mine, a small container of pretty colourful needles and a black mole skin note book as a thank you gift for him having us as his interns.
If your into architectural designs, then you'd love him.
Oh! by the way, his website is actually
Go check it out, Most of his stuff is really nice.

As for my weekend, I spent it on bird watching and visiting historical islands.
We visited an island where they used to keep the diseased and prisoners.
there was a graveyard on the island itself, and on of the people buried there died only at 10 years old because of the disease, it's sad really:/.
I had a nice time even though my nieces and I got chased by a swarm of insects:).
Because at the end of the trip I manged to get a bit of a tan while sleeping on the boat..
oh...and sunburn too, ouch!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Job? what is this "job"?

It's been quite a while since I've blogged, been a very busy person and the lecturers just don't understand the term "enough".
Job training for me starts tomorrow, and I feel very fortunate to work with a well known Indonesian designer called Jeffrey Tan.
hahahah, which of course have same name as my older brother:P.
but anyway, Jeffrey has a taste in clothing that has this international feel, I would put down his site's URL except it's currently undergoing construction.
but here it is anyway
He used to study in ESMOD as well, and was classmates with my Fashion Design lecturer which was how I found out about him.
He appeared in Jakarta fashion week countless of times and his designs are mainly architectural with lots of folds.
I'm actually pretty scared of job training tomorrow, cause Jeffrey said he wants Nakita and I to translate his designs into pattern during the interview.
which of course caused me to start screaming in my head:|.
well, we are there as interns so I'm guessing, well hoping, that he'll teach us too.
So I'm just trying to chill out and not fuss about it.
Haha, well I guess job training did kind of started for Nakita & I yesterday cause we had to act as Jeffrey's assistant in a movie called "fashion satu hari". we have two scenes in the movie which was in a magazine office building and in Jeffrey's shop, I hope I look good in it:p.
but anyway, the cool part was that we got to meet people who worked in magazines like Marie claire Jakarta, Elle Jakarta, rising singers and other people who I can't remember:p.
but it was still nice:p
And if you wondering if I have any lines then no I don't:p, but it was still a good experience to be in a movie even though I was an extra.
and + my name would appear in the credits:p.

On to another point,
you know how we're suppose to be working in job training and all
well, instead of concentrating on just that,
we need to do assignments too!
lots of them in fact!
I'd probably just sit myself down one of these days and do all my assignments.
well I've been saying that since yesterday morning but so far it hasn't happen yet.
and here I am blogging in Nakita's house!
Man I hate procrastination.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Simply Irritated

As usual I'm here once again in chitos waiting for my ride to come get me.
Unfortunately this time, I have forgotten to bring my damn phone.
How lovely.
So I pretty much have to guess when is the car coming so I can go to the counter to make a car call.
but you know what, not really:P.
cause I have no classes this Friday.
and the great thing about not having classes on this Friday is because it was suppose to be the day of our textile exam.
so my classmates and I got a week extra to study.
which is good considering work has been piling up on us since we got back from our holidays.
Ugh, I literally feet like a zombie today.
This FD work is draining the energy out of me.
ah well, it'll all be okay again when this Friday comes.

I was in the women's toilet just now, and I don't get how a woman uses a toilet for such a LONG time.
no seriously, as in 7 to 10 minutes long, well unless their shitting.
but anyway, what on earth do you do in a toilet stall for that long?
you unbutton your pants or whatever, pee, put it back on and come out.
does that sound like it'll take 7 to 8 minutes to you?
cause it sure doesn't to me.
gah, I'm in such an irritated mood right now due to my lack of sleep.
and I won't be able to get enough sleep again tonight cause I'd have to do my stinking creative fabric and colouring.
I like what I study and all, but it's just annoying when it doesn't even give me anymore time to do what I want anymore.
I can't even go out to a mall, or watch a movie, or go for a little window shopping or something like that.
I haven't been to a mall to do just what I want in Jakarta in months.
how sad is that?
I must say, VERY.
I also have my job training thingo to settle.
see, were suppose to send our resume to any companies of our choice as long as it has got to do with fashion.
the thing is, this was suppose to be done a month ago.
and I haven't even got to it yet and job training starts on the 15 of march for 3 weeks.
Man I'm so unorganized.
busy busy busy.
I wish i was in kkay again, it's so chilled there:/.
I hear myself screaming in my head to get my FD sketches done.
well, duty calls.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to J

wellllllllllll, I'm back in Jakarta.. Sadly.
You know, I'll admit..I'm actually really not a city type of person.
traffic today wasn't so bad, the usual.

I'm sitting here in my Pattern Drafting class while waiting for my life drawing class to start at 1p.m later.
so in the mean time, I thought I'd update my blog.
Anyway, I realized that leaving kkay for the 2nd time isn't as bad as the 1st.
well, it was but just not as bad.
I decided to stay awake in the plane just before we take off to Jakarta to savour the feeling of still being in kkay.
cause I won't be back perhaps in another 4 months time.
so I just watched as we zoomed off and and as soon as I was no longer was able to see kkay through my window.
I put on my eye mask on and drifted to sleep.
man, kkay looked so beautiful though my plane window.
all those little sparkly lights.
:/, I miss kkay already even though its only been 13 hours.
Rich sent me off to the airport, it was nice:). and this time he could stay longer:D.
I really enjoyed his company, it comforted me.
I miss Richard very much:(.
Ian too!
I had so much fun in kkay this holiday, even if I didn't do much.
but it was definitely time well spent.
But damn, now I have to catch up on my assignments.
F my life.
I really far behind on my Fashion Design assignment.
which I have to start working on it today.
I also regretted not changing my ringgits to rupiahs.
ah well.
exchange rates here are so shitty.
and when the is the rates for pounds is going to go up?!
so far it's only been going dowwwwwwwwwwwwwn.
damn it.
anyway, I'd probably should get to my FD assignment.
It's eating me alive:).