Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ahhh Christmas, a time to share with your loved ones.
unfortunately mine are not here:p.
it's my first time celebrating Christmas without my mom and sisters.
ah well.
I did went for lunch with Jjay in Lintas though.
As usual I can't get enough of the pork crackling soup.
but I can't find that in Jakarta so spare me.
OH! I also went to trim my hair in Albert salon in central plaza where this man called Alex usually cuts my hair.
honestly, it's hard to find a reasonably good hair stylist.
I go to this man cause I believe he won't screw up my hair like one of his last student did that made my hair look like a damn ching chong hair:).
I also had dinner with Jjay and my dad in the house.
It was alright, Jjay cooked.
Ray and Ian also stopped by for a while before the dinner to see if i wanted to go out for dinner cause ray haven't eaten yet as well.
they left after an hour..
but I'll be seeing them again later once their done with whatever their doing at the moment.
right now I'm just enjoying the silence that is present in the office room,
while my dad is playing poker on facebook in the living room and I can hear the card dealing going on.
I didn't even know my dad had facebook:s?
and I also had no idea that he even knew how to use a laptop, I mean like since when?!
ah well, just thought I'd publish up a post today cause it's Christmas.
Anyway, happy Christmas everyone:).
I know most of you are feasting on something nice tonight.
cheers (;.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home for the holidays

I'm baaaaaaack:).
I just got back to kk two days ago and I'm already enjoying myself here.
I went to waterfront as soon as I was done changing at home and I met up with some people there.
it was really nice to see some faces I knew for quite sometime again.
Haha, I couldn't stop smiling that night cause first of all I was finally home! second I got to see Richard and third I was surrounded by people who I care about:).

Haha, funny thing is now I think I'm going to be back to my old sleeping schedule considering I've been sleeping at times that involves 12 and after.
ah man, that wouldn't be too pleasant for me when I do get back to Jakarta.
one of things I'm savoring right now is the fact that kkay doesn't have much mosquitoes here where Jakarta is infested with them.
another thing is that I'm also enjoying the air here, where you can't smell any exhaust pipe smoke unless you walk by the road.
and thirdly, I like how I know where everything is.

Gad i miss kkay.
hahahaha, on the day I arrived i was thinking of going to that place where they serve my favorite pork crackling soup, instead by the time I arrived with Adam, Ian, Rich and Ray the damn place was closing! and in the end i ended up eating indo mee at BTC.
of all thing I thought I'd be eating that night after being back from Jakarta.
hahahaha, indo mee!

speaking of food, I'm reaaaaaaally hungry.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Am currently in Chitos chilling in shisha cafe with my niece and 3 of her friends.
it was kind of like an impromptu thing to do,
but I just felt like going out all of a sudden
and I don't really want to be stuck in the house for the whole day.
oh! and I also wanted to use the internet to do some research.
+ i found my ipod:)!
after 3 weeks.....
but yeah, i found it in my gym bag, which i checked but it turned out it was under this layer that keep the bag in shape or something like that:p.
I felt so relieved, after 3 weeks without music, I finally found my Ipod.
my life was empty without it.
but yeah the fact that I found my Ipod made my whole week.

ah crap, I have to work on my research now after procrastinating for 2 hours now.
argh, oh the lazyness.
Duty calls.

Sunday, December 13, 2009



My weekend turned out to be pretty good,
didn't manage to go see Armin van buuren spin.
but ah well.. my weekend was a weekend well spent.
I watched zombieland! it was pretty funny actually and the bald dude in it was so hardcore in killing zombies.
OH! i also bought a new dress from Zara which is a little black dress,
and that is definitely money well spent!
I'm currently in love with it now, I'm thinking of wearing it when I go back to kkay, when the occasion calls for it that is.
I also visited forever 21, unfortunately the collection of this month is BAD:|,
i would've thought they would have a nice pair of sunglasses or two, but there was absolutely nothing.
Topshop however.. had really nice things which I was wide eyed over.
If only I could afford more things.
Heh, well I'm happy enough with one dress so I guess it's all good and enough to satisfy my needs for shopping for a few months until I saved enough money to go shopping again.
Which just gives me more reason to anticipate the months ahead.

My current situation however.. sucks.
I arrived to uni in a good mood,
but noooo
the damn internet connection just had to be so unbearably slow.
I'm trying to do my fashion design homework and requires lots of research on the internet.
But this internet connection is making me want to hit it in the face if it did actually have one.
So because of the really slow connection, thus I am here blogging:p.
I still haven't got my research printed yet, argh, the printing here is so damn expensive.
for a page that uses color cost about 2 ringgit and 50 cents, and a page of non colored printing cost about a ringgit each page.
£^)*)@&^$% !

obviously you can get it cheaper outside of uni, but I have no idea where :s.
I spend most of my money on printing and food, how crappy is that?
I'm going to have to find a nearby shop that does printing and charge lesser then the school.
for now I'd have to live with the prices, Ihhhhhhh.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009



It has been.. a while.
I would've been updating my blog except that I still don't have any internet connection at home yet.
so I guess I'd just have to deal with it until the house do have internet excess.
You know Christmas break is coming soon and all, I would have to worry about finishing my damn assignments and all which is a damn big pain in the ass.
and there is no way in hell I'm going to use my holiday for that so I'm going to have to struggle and get it over with before I go to kkay cause I don't have a sewing machine there and I only have 13 days to spend there so I want to spend it wisely.
Unfortunately i haven't got much done yet, probably will focus more on it this weekend cause right now I have Computer Aided Design Patter Drafting(CAD PD), which is also a ginormous big pain in the ass cause i don't really get it but at the same time i do:S?
ah whatever, thankfully we only have the class a few weeks a year.
so it's all good.
I'm also waiting for the time to past faster, and I guess the more I pay attention to the time and date the more it goes SLOWER.
18th of December, could you get any slower>:/?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Am currently in my uni's library waiting for my 1pm life drawing class to start.
Oh and I'd be meeting up with some classmates to mix colours for one of our fashion design assignments.
GAH, i swear mixing paint to get the color you want is frustrating! specially when you have to follow your lecturer's sample as much as possible.
I'm basically being showered by assignments.
I have:

*4 pages of observation drawings
*mood boards to do
* research on the "ideal woman's body" starting from the 1400
* figurine construction and poses
* making colours

& these are basically only from my FD class.
Lucky for me i managed to complete the others for my other classes without going over the deadline.
I also got my own room now:).
the bad thing is that i don't have a mirror, and i can't live without one.
I practically walked out the house looking like i'm half dressed.
i had a navy blue V-neck long sleeved shirt with a matching gold studded belt to go with it, little did i know the comfy shorts i used looked like boxers:S.
but eh, they were comfy.
Oh it sucks that I'll only get wireless after a month cause the house hasn't got a land line yet.
doesn't matter for now, I reckon I've been real busy since last Friday when i got back fro kkay on Thursday till now. and i don't get the weekends to relax cause of these damn assignments that is due next Thursday.
I'm actually suppose to be in the midst doing my figurine drawing right now:p.
but, procrastination is one of my biggest weakness.
I WILL get to it, just not now.
I've already done my assignment for fashion culture yesterday night that involves designing a couture dress or ready to wear clothes that is inspired by the Egyptian times.
I must say it looks shitty.
I also notice that each sewing machine has different personalities even if they are all the same model. some goes really fast and some goes at a normal speed. The sewing machines in my pattern drafting class are crazy though:s, except for 1 or 2 of them.
hahaha, my first experience with the sewing machine was funny. we tried it on papers first, and instead of making a straight lines of hole, the machine basically went A.W.O.L :p.
but I'm getting better:p.
I know how to make seams for jeans now
(even if it took me two failed fabrics)!
and shirts too:).
I'm on the road to success, well at least I hope:p.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Internet connection, FINALLY!
I swear I had no internet connection in the place I live in Jakarta, well at least for now.
the reason is cause it'll only be installed once we moved into the new house but at the moment we're living in a rented one.
Anyway, I started Uni in Esmod.
I'm still trying to get use to the fact that I'm already a uni student and no longer a highschool one.
I feel like I'm growing up too fast, wish I could slow things down more =\.
I'd say the difficulty level for fashion designing is alright, FOR NOW.
I don't really want to push my luck so yeah.
Its no surprise that the majority of students there are girls.
most of my male lecturers are also flamboyant, both my Marketing and Pattern Drafting lecturer.
They say my marketing lecturer is already married but eh, maybe he's just that way.
Not my life drawing lecturer though, he has this artistic rugged type look.
as for my fashion design lecturer, shes nice and all but theres something about her that makes her feel unapproachable.
Oh! and lastly is my textile lecturer, shes really nice but I can't help feeling so sleepy in her class because she basically talks about textile in a tone that a psychiatrist will use and her classes are always on Friday from 2:30 to 4 p.m.

I've met a lot of nice people there, and so far I only met one guy.
he's cool:).
Oh there was also an outing that I had with my niece and her friends who are only a year younger than I am, it was a nice night:).
& one of the waiter was a sleazebag.

Our poison for that night.

Sarah Mitchell

Emily, Corina & Natalie

oh and I'm also currently in Kkay right now to
get my visa done, which explains why I have internet connection at the moment.
and that I have to say is already completed so now I can buy one way tickets to Jakarta:].
I feel bad for missing classes though, ahmagad, I'll be missing out on a lot too; not to mention assignments coming one after the other.
good thing is at least I manage to get some stuff done here.
Bryan is coming back tonight at nine, but I guess we'll only be meeting up at breakfast tomorrow.. and that leaves me lesser time to see him:s?
ah well, I'll be leaving tomorrow night at 7 to the airport.
I have this feeling where I want to go back to Jakarta but at the same time I don't.
The sucky part is that I don't get a long holiday at the end of the year, but only Christmas break; which is for thirteen days:|.
from the 21st of December to the 3rd of January.
Why can't it be longer:(?!?!?!?!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Its been LONG, sorry :p.
I didn't mean to, honest.
I recently left for Jakarta on the 25th of August.
But I'm back now for raya and also for visa purposes.
Things been pretty good lately since I got back at tuesday night.
Went out with ray and bryan last night, I had a good good night with 2 of them :D.
Met up with ray and Bryan outside my house.
I was talking to bryan on the open boot of ray's new black ford ranger pick up truck, while ray was talking on the phone for a very LONG time, but it's all good.

Instead of going to upperstar, the three of us decided to go to Texas Bar & grill.
which turned out to be really nice cause it's not crowded like Upperstar.. I won't say its a place were your least likely to not bump into anyone cause I did that night :S.
Had two glasses of cocktails that tasted strong :|, the guys had their usual, beer.
and then later we shared two rounds of flaming lamborghini.
which by then I could already feel my heartbeat on my face and had gone completely red.
I swear, the downfall of this problem is that I can never sneak a shot without people noticing afterwards :p.
later we collected what was left of Ray's vodka from Aizad, and later went to my house to chill and just drink.
Ah well, didn't really got the chance to finish the vodka cause we couldn't care less anymore since were all pretty tired.
Oh! but we got hungry and we decided to have supper in BTC.
I had no idea BTC has wireless internet connection!
Yes yes I know, I'm very outdated cause they had wireless about a year ago :p.. tsk tsk.
I also got the chance to skype rich, cause it's hard to stay in contact with him there considering I didn't have internet and an Indo number while I was there but it's all gooooood in the hoooooooood now.
OH! rich is coming back this saturday as well:]!
can't wait to see him since he went back to KL.
I'm really looking forward to it indeed:].

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hey hey hey (;

So yesterday night was decent, well.. kind of?
went out with Carol Jim [cousin] to upperstar in downtown.
which i will say that woman is such an alcoholic, and what an evil mind she has!
Rich, Hamish and Yazid came to join us.
Carol's friend Lydia was suppose to join us but ended up being in Shenanigans instead, tsk tsk tsk.
but anyway, Rich & carol were on a roll when it came to drinking.
they bought about two sets of beer I think?
and finished off with each having a shot of vodka, which carol try to persuade me to have one as well and which I continuously refused:p.
sorry but alcohol and me just don't get along well, at least most of the time.
sides, when I normally do drink I get real lazy sometimes and all i want to do is crawl into my bed.
That is why i like drinking at home:]!

& what is this about some people saying that I have this look on my face?
I occasionally get comments from people saying I have a really bored facial expression, or I have this look saying "oh my gad, what the f**k am I doing here" kind of look :s.
I can't help it, everyone said that I look bored when i eat as well, but truth is I'm actually in deep concentration with my food. + I don't like being bothered when I'm eating, specially when someone tells you to fetch them something from who knows where while half way eating, Its very irritating really.
so don't get me wrong, I'm actually feeling pretty content even though i have "that look" on my face:).

well, after Rich, Hamish & Yazid left upperstar, Carol & I went to shenanigans to meet up with her friends, Aunt Salome, Lydia, Aunt Mae and all.
I bumped into patrick which I greeted him politely and it turns out he was hanging out with two of his other guy friends.
left after that to check out cocoon which was dead like a corpse, yes It was literally dead!
Anyway, we decided to go to Barsu instead, but on the way there we met two danish girls who were tourists obviously. Rebecca & Christina.
Such nice girls actually:].
Carol and the others were pretty much drunk till they have a hard time walking staright, ahaha.
& as I being the youngest and most sober one in the group felt like the adult instead while the others were like teenagers drunk from booze:P, tsk tsk tsk.
met joseph as well, which i really didn't expect to bumb into but did anyway gave Carol & I a ride to Barsu along with Rebecca & Christina.
I was pretty worried, cause lately Barsu was getting raided quite a lot :s.
but anyway Carol looked at me as if i was insane when I told her all i want to have is coke.
Carol.. carol.
I didn't really feel like partying that night actually:\, I guess I was feeling pretty tired.
I got hit on an older white man who ended up giving me his business card(10 to 12 years older), which was f'ed up and gross.
this is what I get for going out with adults, astaga.
i'm going to stick to my own age group or at least a few years older from now when on it comes to going out to party, ahahaha.
This I shit you not.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hello hello hello:D.

I've noticed I'm always on and off when it comes to updating my blog :s.
& I'm sorry about that, really.
Normally I'll be just too tired to update it after coming back from hanging out with my friends and it would be around 2 in the morning or so.
either that or i'm just too lazy to go down to the office to update.
so I'm sorry, yet again.

My cousin just got married yesterday in the sacred heart church, which i didn't get to attend cause i was just basically too busy sleeping like a rock in my room after another one of those late nights.
But I did manage to go to the after dinner party in Beverly Hills Hotel.
I guess it was alright, all I know is I would be really bored if it wasn't for my cousins.
& it was COLD! cause our table was placed right under the aircond.
I didn't really recognize my cousin who got married that day when I saw her in the dinner party, she looked beautiful.
Hahahaha, and the WHOLE night all i have been getting from my other cousins and aunts are "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!, Kimmy! KAU BUJANG SUDAH!"
well, most probably its cause the last time I saw most of my cousins and aunts in that dinner party was when I was much younger.
still, it gets a little old after hearing that sentence after several consecutive times.

My 2nd cousin Mazlan who lives and works in Labuan as an Engineer

My two other cousins, Helen & Carol.

My dad

My mom

Oh oh! and look who i saw in the wedding as well! Billy and O'all, they use to work for my dad ages ago, it was really nice to see them again:].



My cousin the bride.

After the dinner party, i was suppose to go to First beach to join rich yazid sarah them all.
But I didn't want to show up like this specially the area where there is a lot of stalls.
so I decided to skip that and headed to the loft instead with my cousins in waterfront.
It was okay I guess, ordered myself a cosmo while Mazlan ordered himself a coke cause he had enough red wine to drink at the party before.. and there was group of 3 guys who were really annoying and kept comparing Kkay to denmark, saying the girls there are more open.
well kkay isin't Denmark okay? psh.
well the two wasn't as bad, but theres just one prick who kept on harassing all the girls. which he eventually got told of by nick and ended up sulking in a corner like a little boy. serves him right.

Spot the four eyes:].

yes that guy between helen and aunty Salome is the annoying prick.
he looks like a woman :s.
anyway, most of photos are on facebook, u can look there.
All in all, Helen Carol Mazlan & I left the loft at 2.
I was about to collapse in exhaustion until i reached the house which in the end I ended up sleeping at 5 thirty cause i was busy uploading the photos.
I should really sleep earlier shound't I:p?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Painting the city red

Hey hey heyyy:].

Went out to Chitos and had some shisha in the shisha cafe, was suppose to meet in PIM with two other of my nieces's friends but decided to just hang out in Chitos with another group of friends of hers.
their all very nice people:].
and I swear the lamb shwarma I had in the shisha cafe was sooooo good.
yes rich, better then the chicken shwarma in Al Baraka(is that how you spell it =S?)
probably its cause I was hungry, but thats not really was good.
anyway, Jakarta shisha is much much better then KK's and KL's, much..smoother.
for those who haven't try it in jakarta yet, you should.
IN CHITOS, the place is called the shisha cafe.
I know i said KL's shisha was good, but there was still a little rough edge to it when you smoke it, just a little.
whereas Jakarta's shisha gives you a smooth feeling like as if your smoking nothing at all and still make you go dizzy? shmeh:p.
went to watch terminator in cinema 21 again for the second time.
but I reckon the movie terminator is one of the movies you can watch more then once.
after that off to Kemang we go, to this place called splash.
and alcohol here is cheap which explains why I saw a few of puddles of vomit.
very nice.
but anyway, when I entered splash..
I never felt so out of place:p.
everywhere I turned I see Caucasians.. girls & guys.
like its the first time in my life I saw a lot of Caucasians gather all in one place in an asian country.
& splash was basically crawling with Caucasians.
there are some Indos too, but mostly Caucasians.
we decided to hang out in little Baghdad which was less crowded and they had shisha too which my niece's ordered..again and was also just across the road facing splash.
I had a really nice chat with rich and basically telling him what I saw tonight.
all in all, the night wasn't exactly really fun cause we had to go home early and everyone was busy studying for their upcoming exam on Monday, but it was actually fun in a "wow, saw something new today fun"
am I making sense:\?
went back around 11:11p.m, cause we have to be home by twelve since my niece isin't aloud to be out till after 12.
+ she has her exams this coming monday and her last paper is on friday.
so after that probably we'll be out more late cause her little sister, mom & dad will all be out on a camping trip for 3 days and two nights so we have the house to ourselves=D!
so I'm really looking forward to seeing clubs in Jakarta.
heard from the others that its good
so I'm definitely looking forward to it indeedy>:].

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jakarta so far

sorry if I haven't been updating lately, connection here isn't really as we say..good.
so normally I don't really bother to update until now cause I just feel that I need to.
but anyway i have have been in Jakarta for a week and a day now.
met up with the agent who will be helping me make my visa permit to study here, what else..
oh and I also bought a pencil skirt, FINALLY.
cause it is basically impossible to find a pencil skirt in KK, IMPOSSIBLE!
oh and I also bought this kind of beanie thingo which is also impossible to find in kk.
next thing I would like to buy is a checkered shirt in the same shop I bought my pencil skirt which I am going to this Friday along with my niece Natalie in a mall called Pondok Indah mall(PIM). not sure which one tho cause they have it in different colors.
you can find it in KK, but the material they used are bad and there will always be something wrong with it whether its the color or the position of the pockets and whatsoever.
Oh yeah, school! school school school..
decided I would take the one year course in ESMOD and then see how it goes.
I guess everyone would like to see if I would actually be able to take it or not.
ah whatever, if they think I can handle it then I'll just continue until I complete the course.
You know what I wish I had more of right now?
to go shopping.
ihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, cause basically all I have with me now is 300 000 rp! well 600 000 rp at first then I bought the skirt so now its 300 000 rp.
I hate this.. so much to shop for but so little money:(.
and I fell in love with a blazer I saw on sunday in ZARA at PIM!
I always wanted a blazer.. one which is casual enough to wear at the daytime.
but noooo, they don't sell it in KK! yish.
and now when I found it I have NOT MUCH MONEY!
its probably about 700 000 rp maybe.
cause like the shoes in ZARA cost about 1 million rp +.
:( :( :(
I don't know for sure cause it didn't have any price on it :S.
Damn itttttttttttttttttttttt.
If only they have sales:\..
this is one of the bad things for me living in JAKARTA, so many temptation when it comes to shopping.
I am secretly a shoppaholic, its just that I have no money or I can't find the right store:P.
lucky for me, i may be a shopaholic but thankfully not those impulse buyers shopaholics
I have the whole day free tomorrow, have NOOOOOO idea on what I will be doing..
most likely watch series and movies, cause theres like hundred's of dvds here, no I'm not kidding.. the movies here are so cheap! only 7 000 rp!
movies.. not series. series are slightly exspendsive cause they use more cd's.
so yeah, watch movies, play guitar hero and DDR with the mat, jogging.
yes, I actually love gaming as well.. ON the PS2, NOT, COMPUTERS.. I don't play W.O.W okay :p.. left 4 dead yes and maybe a little itty bit of call of duty but I suck at it.
I actually like Jakarta a lot cause I can find ANYTHING here!
But I miss home, its noisy but in a comforting way.
even tough its nice to have a change of atmosphere.
But I miss my purple queen sized bed.
and my mom.
and I can't stand the fact that rich is there and I am not.
time passes extra slow here compared to KK, Jakarta is about one hour behind.
ahahahaha, Jakarta actually has the copied version of KFC! the fast food restaurant is called CFC! ahahahahaha, I laughed my ass off when i saw it on my second day here.
they pretty much serve the same thing except with different names to the food or something.
Jakarta, you amaze me:p.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nothing but sand, water, human beings & dogs

Hi, happy Monday to all:D.
well except for the people who hate their jobs or school then I guess things isin't so happy for you guys.
So after my usual early morning run yesterday.. Later that evening
I had plans to go to the beach with Daniel, Ashley and Johnson at around 3. Oh! and with Daniel's usual companion to the beach Matt and my dog as well Chivas or other than that known as Chichi.

The weather wasn't as good as the last time we went but oh well.

it was drizzling on our way there but the clouds seemed to be blowing inland so it wasn't raining when we got there. Oh and just to let you know, we went to Rasa Ria's beach and not the crap beach in 1st beach Tanjung Aru that has lots of garbage in the area.
long drive for just a beach, but its worth it cause the sand there is white and its really socluded cause I guess not much people bother to drive down there.
OH! and its CLEAN!

If you look hard enough you can see the itty bitty part of Rasa Ria Hotel:)



When Daniel was getting my dog cause she wouldn't stay put and I couldn't be bothered to get up from the mat, hehehe.

And the only way to get her running back to me is that I had to wave the bag of buns in the air and if that dosen't work well then we have to do it the manual way:p.
You can actually see a few tourists that are staying in the hotel that usually go for a stroll along the beach.

but their basically in their own world too, so you get the point.
ahahahaha, Ashley is reading the weirdest book ever.

lets just say it had no limits in describing things, hahahaha.
Went swimming with Dan and Matt, whereas the other 2 was too distracted with other things.
my dog is afraid of the sea and she dosen't like getting sea water and wet sand on her fur.

she did enjoy running around with Johnson tho:].
By the end of the day it was pretty tiring and I was actually falling asleep in the passenger seat of Dan's car which I continuously kept warning him to not take a photo of me if I do happen to fall asleep with my mouth wide open like he told Steph to the last time.
made a stop at Warisan cause I desperately needed to buy my facial cleanser.
and I had to stop by 7 eleven to get reload as well for my maid.
By the time I reach home, I swear I just wanted to crash onto my bed cause it was that bad till I didn't even have the mood to eat dinner, but then again it would be nasty cause I hadn't taken my shower yet:p.
after showering, crashing on my bed was pure bliss.
which I ended up texting rich for a while and after 4 messages and 3 replies later I ended up falling asleep at around 10 something:p.
sorry rich, hehehe.
But then again I happen to wake up at 2 in the morning cause rich called me wondering what happened to me:p, and also that my stinking aircond was too warm. for once after quite some time It was actually really good to sleep early:D.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Early mornings

nice of you to drop by:).

I've been waking up before 6 every morning to go running starting from Tuesday morning.
I know I've said that I continued running again before my trip to KL but I had to to stop:\.
+ the weather was really bad whenever it came to evening time.
and so I decided since KK normally starts pouring around evening might as well go for early morning jogs:]!
& lucky me cause it was raining heavily at around 3p.m something or so? so the weather is a little gloomy.
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate waking up in the morning tho, and my laziness just sometimes gets to me and I would be stuck in a dilemma on should I actually continue sleeping in and just push my running schedule to an evening run later? or should I just get up NOW and stop being a lazy bum bum.
as awesome as it would be for me if I picked the first choice but so far I've ended up doing the latter.
I just find that my conscience will start to taunt me when I get lazy.
and basically making going back to sleep practically impossible.
so I'm force to suck it up and go.
But I found my usual run this morning not as bad compared to the days before.
On wednesday I thought I was going to actually pass out.
cause you know those white spots you see before going out cold.
one of the reason why is cause I felt this really sharp pain just below my rib cage.
It's like something was basically drilling into my lungs and no it was not a stich, therefore I couldn't breathe properly.
but after trying breathing exercises and A LOT of positive thoughts I actually manage to finish the long strech in tanjung aru beach:).

I feel so bummed out now, really bummed.
I just got a call from my cousin Pam from Jakarta saying my mom thought ESMOD is okay and that she have decided to send me off to study there.
the thing is after when she comes back tomorrow, I have to plan my trip to jakarta, WITHIN THIS MONTH!
and rich is coming back next Friday:(!
its cause I have to take a test, drawing and my knowledge about fashion to see what do they need to help me on when I study there.
But I want to stay till rich comes back then I'll go off, but the sooner I leave, the sooner I get to come home:\.
but we'll see, I would have to discuss it with my mom tomorrow night when she gets back.
i would be taking the international course, the one for 3 years.
well at least thats what they told me :s.
I don't even know where to start studying.
probably i'll start with the history of fashion.
A little help here, any ideas? :\

Saturday, May 9, 2009

KK so far


kkay has been pretty lifeless to me since I got back from KL on the 21st of April.
don't get me wrong, I love kkay..
but sometimes I just wish there are more things to do here and also, more friends.
all I've been doing these past days is waking up at 11 in the morning or 12 in the afternoon, watching movies and reading.
so far I've read about two books & currently reading my 3rd one now.
how exciting right?
I'm also working on getting some movies from my sister's house but whenever I do her golden boy is there. which I am force to face a really awkward vibe whenever I'm around him:S.
maybe its just me, but to be frank I just don't really feel as comfortable around him then I am with other family members.
I did found some things to do whenever I have nothing to do at home tho:), like yesterday.
which I kind of rearranged some stuff in room and cleaned up whatever was under my bed and organized my clothing in my cupboard by colour coordination:p.
Yes I like my some stuff organized thank you very much.
I also put away most of my stuff from high school like medals, uniforms, books and whatever that had to do with school. I really didn't think it has much use for me anymore considering I'm not in high school anymore.I don't really know what to do with my school books tho, so i guess I'm just going to recycle them.
Mom's just left for Jakarta yesterday, and I really do hope she has a good time there:).
the house just seems to be more quiet without her:\.
besides her purpose of having her vacation there shes also suppose to help me check out my a school called ESMOD for me.
Funny thing is I was suppose to leave for Jakarta in March, but look at me I'm still in kkay and its May now, Arghhh. If my mom likes the school then that is where I come in, as soon as she gets back I have to go to Jakarta to register and get my visa done and all that.. well hopefully it's going to happen THIS time.
One of my cousin has also arrived from KL yesterday, shes out now. so the only people in the house is Jjay & I.
I wish i can just call someone up without thinking are they here or not.
the only person here for now is Raymond and i feel bad disturbing him:\.
he probably is still asleep now anyway, well most likely.
I miss Arab food ALOT! i don't know why, but i think its the fact that most of their dishes just involves alot of meat:p.
I miss the shisha there too! its small doses.
I guess all I can do is just suck it up and deal with my problem for now until everyone comes back in June.

But I just can't help thinking if only I have someone to share my boredom with then it won't be as boring anymore, rich, I miss you:\.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Domain

Hello lovely:]!
so nice to see you again.

Why is it so hard to find a freakkin ATM machine around here?
they should put an ATM machine in cyberia cause the closest one is in MMU[Multinedia University]
Rich and I was suppose to go to street mall with Gavin to buy his stuff but ended up looking for an ATM machine cause Richard wanted to witdraw money from his account.
I swear, the nearest maybank was pretty much a longgggggggggg walk from street mall:|.
so in the end Gav told us to meet him in the domain.
so much for having early dinner in street mall.
Rich and I were starving.
and the ATM machines in HSBC were only meant for staffs:(.
according to the security guard..
well they say do not shoot the messenger..
but at that time I really wanted to:p.
but ah well, i guess he was just doing his job.

went to the domain and just chilled in Hamish's, haz's and Mustafah's unfurnished living room.
they ordered indian take away if i'm not wrong.
after that they went to nick's place while me and rich went to eat in Al Baraka in cyber neo.
then later we went to join them:]!

here are some photos:


Ahahaha, boys will be boys!
Rafeh and Nick.

The two sisters
Vin & Kiki
One has more of the Punjabi side the other has more of the philipino side

Oh and Hamish can put out a cigarette with his tongue

A very creative way of putting out your cigarette.

Summore photos:


Mai, Me, Kiki & Vin



sqeak sqeak.

this photo looks like some kind of ad.
Example: if you go straight edge you get ze girl:P.

Jim Careyyyyyyy! Check it outttttt!

Hamish is the professor of gangstaology:P

Rich and I posing for the camera.

Thats about it, wanted to stay longer at the domain but taxi fees as usual are doubled after 12:P.
OH! we met the stoned haji again just now.
7 riggit, ya allah:P.

i'm off:].